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  • Rants:73
  • Percent of Insult: 3.12%

The evil golf cart

The problem with the whole Casey Martin situation isn't that he's using a cart, it's that the government is stepping in and forcing the PGA to change their rule in his case just so he can play. If the PGA themselves decided to let him use one then fine, it's their rules, they can change them if they want. But the government doesn't have the right to, and Casey Martin does not meet the requirements of the PGA tournament. It sucks for him, yes, and I'm not just being sarcastic, it does suck that he has that disease and can't play PGA golf because of it. But this isn't about emotion, and lots of things in life suck, it's not the government's place to step in and "fix" them. I'm not going to be all insane and predict that this ruling will set the stage for America to turn communist like some people have, but it could very well lead to more instances of the government overstepping it's bounds and violating the rights of people and organizations. And that is what really sucks.


This has been bugging me, in a roundabout, 'I don't really give two shits' kinda way.

How in the fuck does the use of a cart mar the game for everyone else? It seems like he's the only smart one there. Jack Nicklaus, an aging golfer who isn't nearly as good as he once was, and probably hates all the Caddy Shack movies, is very outspoken on this subject. He thinks that the use of a cart shouldn't be allowed, either. Let's break this down.

Casey Martin is not riding around on one of those diesel John Deere Gators, like land scapers use, nor is he using a moped, skateboard, scooter, Softail, Hardtail, shovel head, pan head, knuckle head, or any other derivation of a Harley Davidson. He is using a GOLF cart. Yeah, you heard me. A cart, specifically designed for the use on a gold course. It's electric, which means that it's quiet. It has these big, wide foam tires that don't mess up the grass. So just what the fuck is the big deal? I think all these outraged stuffed shirts are just jealous, because they still have to schlep around 18 holes in a pair of spikes, and this kid is riding in style.

So the man with a muscle disorder gets to the hole a little quicker than you. Suck it up. I'm glad that he's allowed to play golf with the rest of them. Because he's a real golfer. He doesn't need to be put into a special leauge, where aides have to come up every so often and wipe the drool from your lip and tell you to stop picking daisies because you have to tee off. All he needs is a goddam golf cart. they're gonna want people to carry their clubs for them...

Still not a sport

Golf is fun, don't get me wrong, but it's not a sport. You're willing to trust a bunch of four-eyed freaks who write dictionaries over common sense here? The dictionary is wrong. A sport doesn't necessarily involve pay. High school kids play football and don't get paid, but that's still a sport. What makes a sport a sport is having to be physically fit and trained and exerting yourself for long periods of time. There are a lot of fat golfers out there and you don't have to exert yourself for long periods of time. Walking is exercise, but not an integral part of any sport.

But yeah, if you've got a problem with your leg where you can't put a lot of pressure on it, what the fuck are you playing golf for, asshole?!? Fucking, take up the violin or photography or pornography. Something other than a game that requires you to stand and walk a whole lot, idiot. All these disabled people who want to get involved in activities should have a special disabled league or something. Let Casey Martin play in the Cripple PGA tour or something, with special rules. He mars the entire game by being able to use his cart. Did you know they have BLIND baseball? BLIND! The fucking blind kids wear special sensors that tell them when to swing the bat and when they're on base. See what I mean? Special leagues. I know it's mean, but these handicapped people ruin it for everyone else because they require special treatment.

That being said, I want a fair shot at [J]. I'm tired of this turn-down-before-being-given-a-chance stuff. This never happened in the past, so I deserve chances. Special treatment, dammit. I want my special treatment! Growl!

Calliander - Keepin' it fresh since '21, you suckas!

The streets aren't safe for a playa anymore Check that out, before it's too late......

P.S. Baseball rulez and the supreme court decision is bullshit, if the PGA says walking is a rule of the game then that's a rule of the game, the Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't apply. I'd like to see those fatass judges walk 18 holes in the sun all day and then tell me it's not a factor in the game, any golfer would tell you that if he/she wasn't so terrified of being labeled an insensitive monster. And furthermore, the PGA SAYS it's a rule of their game. CASE CLOSED, they say it's a rule, it's a fucking rule. If Steven Hawking wants to take up a career in the cherished game of baseball would the supreme court step in and say he has the right to run the bases in his wheelchair? A lot of people are letting emotions engulf the parts of their brains that govern rational thought. Sure it sucks to be that dude, sure we all want him to go play golf and beat all the non handicapped people and then we can watch tv movies about it called "Dream On A Tee". But the bottom line is he isn't physically capable of playing by the rules of the game and it's not right for the government to step in and fuck around. He gets a cart because he can't handle the course? Can I have a big robot swinging machine because I can't fucking hit the ball well? Come on government, give a homie a break? And while you're at it, give me a cart too because my cock is so big that it's hard for me to walk a lot.


       adj : (Maine colloquial) temporary summer resident in inland Maine
       n 1: an active diversion requiring physical exertion and
            competition [syn: {athletics}]
       2: the occupation of athletes who compete for pay
       3: someone who engages in sports [syn: {sportsman}, {sportswoman}]
       4: an organism that has characteristics resulting from
          chromosomal alteration [syn: {mutant}, {mutation}]
       5: verbal wit (often at another's expense but not to be taken
          seriously); "he became a figure of fun" [syn: {fun}, {play}]
       v 1: wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was
            sporting a new hat" [syn: {feature}, {boast}]
       2: play or romp around; "The children frolicked in the garden";
          "the gamboling lambs in the meadows" [syn: {frolic}, {lark},
           {rollick}, {skylark}, {disport}, {cavort}, {gambol}, {frisk},
           {romp}, {run around}, {lark about}]

As you can see, golf follows that definition. There is absolutely comptetition for pay. Now, you may question whether or not they are athletes... well, they are. Members of a debate team are considered athletes. An athlete is a person who competes for a prize in some sort of game or contest.

Baseball is plain shitty. Hockey rules.

NOT a Sport

Some of you may be interested to know that a few days ago, the supreme court ruled that golf is only a game, not a sport. This ruling was handed down because a handicapped golfer, Casey Martin, needs to ride around in his golf cart between holes in order to relieve putting too much pressure on his leg. Apparently, there's something wrong with his calf or something and he went to court to be able to use his cart. The golf head honchos or something didn't want him to use it because it undermines the sport or something. So now the Supreme Court rules that he can use his cart because golf isn't a sport.

So, since the Supreme Court has opened the doors, let's get to naming which oft-watched activities are sports and which aren't. Here's a list with explanations.

Golf: To excel at golf, you do not need to be overly physically strong. Golf requires more precision than power, brains than brawn. Golf is a gentlemen's game. You take your business meetings on the golf course because you can talk about business and play golf. Casey Martin proves that you do not need to be overly physically strong, because he's pretty damn good. So, golf... is not a sport.

Football: Football is a sport. There's a lot of running, hitting, contact, and the ball used to be made out of pig skin. No contest here.

Curling: Curling is not a sport. You slide a heavy block of concrete or something across ice. It's not even a fucking game. It's a bore. Nothing involving ice is a sport, save hockey.

Soccer: Soccer is a sport. You need to be strong, capable of running around for long periods of time. There's physical contact and the ball is a big, round, black and white thingamajig.

Hockey: Hockey is close to not being a sport. If not for the very heavy puck and the fights, we'd have a game on our hands. Ice. Yeck. Nothing on ice is a sport except this one.

Baseball: Baseball is also close to not being a sport. Actually, I think it's achieves a fantastic balance between both being a game and a sport. You have to be strong and have to be able to last long, but you also have to be smart and know how to hit pitches. A great game, a great sport.

Gymnastics: Not a sport. Not even a game.

Tennis: Tennis is a game. It might be a sport. I don't care enough about it to watch. I guess you have to be pretty tough. Meh.

Skiing: Skiing is a pastime. So is snowboarding, skateboarding, rollerblading, all that. Unless it's rollerhockey.

That's all I can think of at the moment. If anyone would like to pick up from here, let me know.

Calliander - Keepin' it fresh since '21, you suckas!!!


Baseball is the greatest sport in the world, it's America's sport, has been for over a hundred years. Sure, people follow and enjoy other sports as well, but baseball is the only one where your team is your religion. Where people follow the same team their grandparents did. Baseball's with you every day, a constant companion. And the game is the most perfect analogy for life, think about every part of the game and you'll find life lessons everywhere. For example, the greatest hitters only get a hit 3 out of 10 times, but as long as you have good at bats you never are really failing, because you're working the pitcher, moving the runners with a fly ball or a bunt. Just like in life, sure no one succeeds all the time, or even half the time, but if you approach things trying to always have good at bats and hang in there you'll rarely fail completely, and your success rate goes up too.

Or take bunting, you're sacrificing yourself for the greater good, which sometimes sucks because you want to be the hero and get a big hit, but it doesn't count as an out on your stats when you sacrifice and you might even get an rbi. In life sacrificing for the greater good doesn't always seem worth it, but in the end other people do notice those things and repect as well as admire you for them. And you might even get a tangible reward out of the deal later, from someone that appreciates what you did or just through happenstance.

I could go on all day giving more examples but I won't, since I'm sure you all get the idea and I'm sure a lot of you don't care. But if 3 out of 10 of you do, I'm batting .300


Heheh, Mike - do you remember what the Mets were like for most of the 90s? 55-105, 65-97...they were horrible for years at a time.

Baseball is an excellent sport. And, I'm really happy to be going home.

Stone 2000

This isn't baseball, it's a circus!

Okay, picture this: you're a successful businessman. You're living in a large house you had built for you on three acres of land in a great town, you've got a beautiful wife whom you love and whom loves you more than anyone on Earth, you've got two wonderful children, two very nice cars, and public recognition from your town from donations. There's another person in town like you doing a bit better but gosh darn it, you're happy. Things are going just fine for you.

One day, you make a bad move with some stocks and lose a large sum of money. That's not too bad, right? But you lost it and this guy's laughing at you! Damn, he's annoying and he won't stop laughing! You go to work and it turns out that you've been fired and replaced... by that same guy! Suddenly, you're in debt and you don't have a steady source of income! Not to mention this guy has your old job. So on your way home in one of your nice cars (probably a BMW or a Mercedes), that same damned guy cuts you off in a Toyota Celica and you rearend him! What's going on? So you step out of the car, that guy jays you in the face and drives off in your nice car! So now you're bleeding because he got you good in the nose with a sucker punch. The Toyota won't start so you have to take a taxi home and the driver hits every pothole in the road. When you get home, your nice car is there in the driveway and there's smoke coming out of your kids' bedrooms! What the hell? You go into the house to find that same damned guy fucking your wife on the kitchen counter! And she's loving it! And she tells you she's divorcing you for this guy! Dear lord, could it get any worse? You go to check out what the smoke is about and when you open your kids' doors you see them burning alive! But there's a lot of fire and it starts spreading so you have to run out of the house and that guy gets in one nice car, your wife in the other, and they drive away! As your house is burning to the ground the police and the fire department come and put the fire out. The police take you down to the station because they think you set the fire and put you in a cell! They find your fingerprints on everything somehow and suddenly you're charged with double murder and arson and that guy comes back with your wife and picks you out of a lineup of potential arsonists and murderers and you go to court and get sentenced to die. And when you die you go to hell and there's a million of those guys! ARGGGHHH!!!

I'll bet that's pretty close to what Bobby Valentine is feeling right now. This isn't baseball, it's a fucking circus. The Harlem Globetrotters of baseball only their specialty is fucking everything up in every way possible! Four home runs an inning for every team! Position players pitching in the ninth inning! Come see the bearded lady run the bases! Look at the elephant pitching coach! Woo hoo! Only five dollars admission!

And I paid 67 bucks to go watch them lose on June 23. =(

Look What You Caused, LIO!

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) -- Several thousand people jammed the streets after Penn State's loss in the NCAA tournament, hurling firecrackers, tossing bottles from balconies and trying to topple lampposts.