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  • Author:Levres
  • Email Address:levres at insult dot org
  • Contribution:74 rants by this author
  • Percent of Insult: 3.16%
  • Age:22
  • Sex:Female
  • Sexual Preference:Heterosexual
  • Marital Status:Single
  • Penis Length:I have no penis.
  • Location:Massachusetts
  • Drug of Choice:Alcohol
  • Physical Self Description:

    5'4", greenish brown eyes, reddish brown hair, big boobs, otherwise pretty average I think

  • Bio:

    Future: Uncertain
    Present: Uncertain
    Past: Repressed


I don't think it's incest to do it with an adopted family member, there being no blood relation and all. However, it is definately weird and has a varying degree of creepiness depending on how long your adopted sibling has been a brother or sister to you. I think if you grow up thinking a person is your blood relative and then find out it's ok to fuck him legally, that's way creepy. If you're 16 and you're parents adopt some foreign hotty, go ahead, fuck him and have fun with it. That's just my take on it. I didn't see the movie, so I don't know anything about it really. I think though that I might Netflix it now just to see what everyone is talking about.

How did people feel about Monster's Ball? I hated it.

1212 Out.

Catching up

I haven't read Insult in so long that I had to go to the previous 10 posts, almost to the next previous set. Anyhow, here are my random comments.

Gatekeeper and/or Lio, since you have done Atkins, I was interested in doing it, even read the book, but I don't think it'll work for me because I don't like enough of the foods you have to eat. For a girl who doesn't eat seafood or eggs or ham, what would you suggest I eat? I tried it for a few days at the beginning of the year and I ended up eating mostly bacon and some vegetables. My mother didn't think that eating a pound of bacon in a week could be healthy.

Lio, as for your music reviews, you liked Tori's Boys for Pele that much? I like it, but I think I'd rather listen to Little Earthquakes or Under the Pink. I have to agree (I hope I understood correctly) with your opinion of Strange Little Girls. It really was attrocious. Is she coming out with some of her own stuff anytime soon? I hope so. Also, I am a big fan of Eminem's new CD. Which two songs didn't you like? My Dad's Gone Crazy really started to grate on my nerves after just one time through. I liked the rest though.

Yeah, I think that's all I got for now. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers or whatever. Mine is going good with the exception of not seeing Wilson as much as I'd like. Hey, these are the things that make a relationship stronger, right? Yeah, that's what I tell myself.

1212 Out.

Happy Birthday Caniprokis


And yes, congratulations for Wilson, Pappy, Lio, and anyone else that is graduating this year.

These quizzes

So I know nothing about you people, what do you know about me? Wilson, I expect you to get most, if not all of this, correct. These are easy questions!

Good luck!

for my boy


Thank God that isn't true

What a fucked up world we would live in indeed if such a drug was available and coming to a campus near us. That would be one more thing to be afraid of, one more thing to worry about every time you're having a drink and there are people around. Girls, could you imagine going to a party and waking up not only raped, but with your chances of ever having a baby taken from you? Boys, can you imagine your girlfriend being raped and then never having the opportunity to have your children if you get married or what not down the road a bit. How horrible!

Fortunately, fear not my good people, there is no truth to this.

From a site I'll link to below:
"The experts are saying it's a hoax, a fabricated story. We've checked with several sources for veterinary medicines and veterinary training schools and none of them has ever heard of Progesterex. The Food and Drug Administration, which regulates medications for both humans and animals, has no knowledge of it. The other drug mentioned, Rohypnol, does exist and has the reputation of being a date-rape drug. According to the FDA, it's not legal in the United States but is used in Europe as, among other things, a sedative. The FDA says it not only induces sleep, but those who have taken it frequently cannot remember anything that happened while they were under the influence of the drug."

Thank God. There are already so many things to worry about, who needs another as bad at this?

What I think...

I'd say no to the sucking himself, but I agree with Lio. It looks like the girl is about to pee into the funnel that is going into that guy's ass. Why they are doing this, I couldn't even begin to tell you -- some people are really f_cked up. I'd say it's more his deal than hers, but what kind of woman goes along with that? So beyond bizarre...

Here's a question. Where are they? Is that one of their homes do you think? Look on the dresser, next to the plant. Is that a sugar thing from a diner?

My two cents

Here's the thing. Most guys who are physically abusive to women are mentally abusive way before that. These women, while some are indeed idiots for staying, have a hard time leaving for good reasons. A guy who will beat his woman usually alienates her from all her friends first and insults her all the time, taking away what self esteem she has. Having a boyfriend insult you is much more damaging that your average insult. I mean, this is a person that you think cares about you and that you think loves you. If they say something hurtful, you'll probably believe that it is true and try to convince yourself something about how he's telling you that only because he loves you and something something. So here he has taken away your self esteem, taken away your friends and what support you would have if you did leave. He usually alienates you from your family as well, taking away more support. Then he beats the crap out of you. You have no place to go, no one to turn to, and deep down you still want to believe he loves you and that he'll change. You want to be forgiving and you give him another chance. He beats the shit out of you again and again. Maybe if you finally get the strength to leave, he hunts you down and beats you within an inch of your life. The cops don't do shit to help you, so you go back to him because at least when you were with him the beatings weren't as bad as when you made him mad by leaving.

Thank god I've never been in this situation and none of my close friends have either. My aunt, unfortunately, had a horrible experience with a guy that she was living with. He abused her, mentally, physically, sexually, and not just punching you in the face type of stuff, but really perverse, this guy is way fucked up type of stuff. Why did she stay? Cause he threatened to hunt her down and kill her kids. She believed he would have, we all did. I think she could have left if it was just her, but somehow by staying she was protecting her kids, at least for a little while. When he finally moved on to raping and beating her 9 year old daughter (he wanted her to have his baby -- I don't even know if she was physically ABLE to have a baby yet), well, then she got the strength to get them all the hell out of there.

Her and her kids all had to go to therapy and we're quite right for a while. They're fine now, pretty well adjusted and everything. Oh as for the guy, well to get away from him, my aunt had to kill him. It was probably the smartest and bravest thing she ever did.

It's a lot harder than you think. It's easy for us on the outside to say, well he treats you like shit, so just leave him. There's a lot more that goes into it though. That's my two cents anyhow.

Fuck this shit!

Fuck this! I just went to I just wanted to send some crazy Kwanzaa cards for the holidays and the bastards have made it so you have to pay for their shitty e-cards. You now have to be a member and it costs $11.95 a year. Now it's true that's only like a dollar a month, but that isn't the point. And it isn't the point that I'm being cheap. The point is every motherfucker now a days wants a peice of my very empty wallet. FUCK THIS!

On a more pleasant note, it's Wilson and Levres' one year anniversary, so congratulations guys. I love you both!

Ha ha, it's funny to talk about myself as if I was someone else.

1212 Out. <-- Now does that make sense.

Christmas and being fat

So I hate Christmas. I hate everything that it has come to stand for. The original purpose -- our saviour being born and all that -- is great. But who actually thinks about that during Christmas time. All it seems to be about anymore is buying gifts for people and having people buy you gifts. That turns into a trip or two to the mall which is a nightmare in itself. Then you buy stuff and you're afraid it isn't what the person wants, you've spent too much, you haven't spent enough, so on and so on. All this Christmas has accomplished is making me feel bad and making me spend loads of money that I don't have. I am fortunate enough to not have any educationally related debt (school loans, paying for school, etc), yet I have still managed to rack up nearly $4,000 in debt and have very little to show for it. The holiday time does nothing but make me feel bad and worry.

Then there is the mall, oh God, the mall. I hate it with a passion. I hate people. I hate all the bells. I hate how everything is so expensive. I hate everything about it. My feet hurt. I get thirsty and have to pay an arm and a leg for a trashy soda. I can never find what I want and then I go back and forth about what to buy. It's awful. I think a big part of hating the mall is hating people. I hate people so much. They're trash, a good 95% of them. How is that for Christmas spirit? They're fat and they're stupid and annoying and oh how I need something to make me relax. I walk by these people dressed like freaks. Hey, self-expression of whatever bullshit, you can dress however you want, I don't care. But don't be surprised when people look at you like the freak you're dressed up to be. People are rude and ... oh how I hate the malls and the holidays.

What ever happened to Christmas being the best time of the year? When you could stretch it out for the whole month of December and it was happy. There were lights everywhere and Christmas music and people seemed happy. I don't know, maybe I was just a delusional child. I have no money and that ruins the holidays which is just a reminder that everything has become so materialistic. Enough banter about this.

So I bought the Atkin's Diet book and I'm going to start that soon, hopefully Monday if I can read enough to know what to do. I'm not obese or even terribly overweight, but I'm fat enough to hate myself. I'd like to lose at least 40 pounds, 50 would be good. I've been near my goal weight before and I was so happy. It was like I was a different person. I don't really know how I gained all the weight back, but whatever, I want it gone for good. I don't want people to tell me to eat a salad. I don't want people to look at me in restaurants and think "that girl could afford to skip a meal" like I think about fat people. Fat girls aren't pretty and I don't want to be one. Wish me luck.

1212 Out.