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  • Rants:27
  • Percent of Insult: 1.15%

Sound Preferences

Pappy, did you end up purchasing the iBooks from my place or were we still awaiting their arrival? I heard my boss this morning bitching about Ingram-Micro's failure to keep us stocked with product.

Anyway, you can find some hacks to change that volume up/down blip or you can change it in the sound prefs and then it will make the error noise you specified:

[sound preferences]

(Note that you can disable the sound, too.)

Record Breakers

Posted by Pappy:blah blah blah blah excuses etc

Speaking as someone who could normally care less about either of those teams, let me say this: The Arizona Diamondbacks, the Anaheim Angels, the Florida Marlins, and now the Boston Red Sox have all scored victories for baseball by defeating the Yankees. Granted, the Red Sox have a hefty payroll as well as the Mets, but the Yankees losing in the playoffs is like Vader throwing the Emperor down that shaft in Return of the Jedi. They're just TOO dominant. If the "curse" has ended, and the Red Sox dominate, it'll be a win if someone defeats them.

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.

More Baseball Fun

Ended up taking the train to the downtown office this morning, where I came to find myself seated across the way from some old cocksucker (think Kenny Rogers, but less of that 'gambler' vibe). We're both occupying the aisle seat, with the window seat empty. At the next stop, a decrepit old black guy (think of an old black guy) gets on the train and just goes to town on me with the eye-raping. Various people have been eye-raping me on the metro for a few weeks now, so I'm starting to take less of an issue with it, but at a certain point it seems like you should react in some way. After a few minutes, my thought is that old black guy wants my seat, and although I've come enjoy the attempted ocular penetration, I slide over to the window side where I'm obscured from his view by ticket-checking-fatty (you see, we have the "honor-system" on our metro, which means that they employ fat chicks to do random spot checks). Non-gambling-Kenny stays put.

The next thing I know old-black-guy comes over and asks Kenny if he can take a seat next to him, Kenny yields, and somehow, as if brought together by fate, five seconds later they're discussing the evils of the Yankees organization. Cue up the music, nothing brings the races together like unilateral hate. They go on for about three or four minutes discussing why the Yankees are an abomination to the sport, why it's unfair, etc. They hit all the basics people fall back on when they're backpedaling for excuses - whiny, idealistic shit. Now, I'm a man known to sport a Yankees cap once and a while, and I take a colossal amount of shit for it, even out here, thousands of miles away. The interesting fact about that, I've found, is that roughly half the time a guy starts in on you with the "I'm an angry Red-Sox fan and you are my Yankee target" shtick, he's also going to make a few awkward passes at you through the duration. Anyway, I'm getting off course here, I'm trying to get to the point that Boston fans are sally-ass bitches who are addicted to self-loathing and losing. What does it say about a man who chooses to align himself behind a known loser, not just an under-dog, but a sure-fire loser?

The end of Kenny and old-black-guy's conversation gave me some clues. After a minute or two of silence, Kenny blurts out "The Red-Sox are such an embarrasment", to which old-black-guy agrees and mentions some of the finer nuances which make them such an embarrassment, along with more speculation as to how the Yankees effected that. That was the very first moment of their conversation when either of them were being realistic about the issue at hand (In case you forgot, we're talking about the Red-Sox sucking), and it took so much anti-Yankee propaganda from each of them, for one of them to be comfortable enough to 'fess up to the truth.. the dirty secret they all share. Now I think we've figured it out. Boston fans ascribe their own loserdom to the fact that they cannot succeed, that there is some insurmountable force stopping winning from being a possiblity (mind you, this will evolve over time.. Sox fans had different reasons for their chosen team sucking 20 years ago). To deal with this, they project all of their self loathing, fears and inadequacies on to the one team with the most diametrically different ethos, the team that knows it can, and does, and will, win. In the end, a lot of Yankee fans have to shoulder the burden of hearing Boston fans cry about how their pussies hurt, while deflecting comments that you're somehow evil if you're a Yankees fan. Most of the time it just makes me sad to talk to one of them... they're so much like fat people that say they want to be thin, yet don't believe they deserve to be thin, and just get fatter as a result, or, say Catholics. Actually, I'd be interested to know how many Sox fans are Catholic, as there seem to be many similarities in mindset... if anyone can dig that up, that'd be cool.

To my friends who are Sox fans, those of you enjoying this rain-out with another day of stewing, pacing, and self loathing - maybe some day you'll throw off the shackles of your mind and join me as a fan of the greatest baseball team in the universe (Cue Imperial Death March). All you gotta do is believe.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

"Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical." - Yogi Berra

Donald Trump is fucking gross

Wanted to post this after my ride home from work yesterday but got lazy. Stern had that worthless piece of crap Donald Trump on and holy shit he's awful.

They were talking about all the general asshole war/Bush/Republican junk and his shitty TV show. Then they were talking about his daughter's boyfriends and stuff. Let me tell you something: The way he talks about his own daughter ("you can call her a piece of ass" what the fuck dude), if you told me he fucked her when she was little I'd believe you. There's no way he isn't above that, the piece of crap.

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.

Highlander: The Final Crapfest

So i cant sleep, and im flipping channels and i come across highlander the final demention.... what a fucking shit fest that was. the story line? Crap! and cinimatography? Crap! Mario Van Peebles? fucking Craptastic! nothing at all abut this movie was good. even the love scene was shitty. nothing made sence the movie dident flow the writing was absolutly horendous. really im just very sad that i watched it. i mean seroiusly what the fuck?! T-2 was made 2 years earlier actually releases two years earlier made most likely 3 or 4, and it was infinitly better in special effects. right now i want to claw out my brain with a spoon and feed it to myself to try and get back some of that time. im just disgusted.

You're hot and I feel great. Let's get married.

Feel Great

This is one of the funniest damned things I've seen in a while. I'm still chuckling about it. It's about 10MB, so it's a bit of a wait. If you wanna download it, it's here.

Trust me, this is a hilarious ad. I'm going to buy NutriGrain bars now.

So I Saw This Movie...

So I saw "Punch-Drunk Love". I never heard anything bad about the film from anyone so I figured that, at the very least, I might dislike it mildly. I was in the video store and they had a copy and I rented it and I am so upset that I spent money on the ensuing 95 minutes.

What didn't I like? The noises: There were these random, irritating noises that were just placed at various points throughout the movie; sounds that normally would be edited out of a film because they are too distracting or they mess with the flow of the scene they are in. The soundtrack: There were scenes, with dialogue, where the soundtrack was going and it shouldn't have been; scenes where your focus should have been on the characters but it was next to impossible - not to mention that the choice of music was annoying. The dialogue: Sure, the dialogue had a zillion times more meaning than what was in Revolutions, but a large portion of it was spent spewing out random sentences; you could place fifty sentences into a hat and then pull them out at random and achieve the same dialogue as the movie.

JACK: My foot is in so much pain.
LISA: You appear to be combing your hair.
JACK: Sometimes, I wander through grocery stores while I try to figure out what I want.
LISA: My mother left my father when I was six.
JACK: Mars is the fourth planet.

Upon reading reviews of the film, it appears that many people who loved this thing also liked The Royal Tenenbaums; which brings me to my point. What in the hell is up with the people who like these movies? I mean, I understood both films. I get what they are trying to say. I just don't understand how they are funny or romantic or whatever.

I can't, for the life of me, figure out why Adam Sandler signed up for this film. The man certainly isn't hurting for work. This is DEFINITELY not his style of humor (if it can even be called humor). The only thing I can surmise is from his performance: he played the character so well that he must have given one hell of an audition or someone saw hints of it in his other movies.

Basically, it comes down to me just not finding the films funny. Again: I understood them. I get that Barry was messed up because of his sisters, I get that it only messed him up to a degree, I get that the girl was messed up, I get it all. What I don't get is why did the film need to be made? What purpose does it serve? I mean, Emily Watson's character is basically a stalker who forced her way into Adam Sandler's character's life. He seems shy, but then he just nonchalantly goes to dinner with her and then she decides she wants to kiss him, just like that. I mean, there's no basis for the romance to have started, let alone continue. You could say, "Love at first sight," but we all know that's bullshit - it's just toning down "I wanna fuck you really hard because you're hot". Then she's like, "I WANNA BITE YOUR FACE!" and he's like, "I WANNA SMASH YOUR FACE IN WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER!" and he's screaming at his sister that he's going to kill her... okay. Okay. Gotta calm down.

Someone please explain this to me. I just don't get it.

Where's Joe at?

Guys, just so you think about it properly, Wilson predicted the future two years ago with that post about John Ritter.

After Aaliyah died, I posted and said, "First John Ritter, now Aaliyah... who's next? Joe Mantegna?"

Anyone know what Joe's up to nowadays? Someone better keep on eye on him, he might die of some mysterious heart disease.

(Oh, and Lio, Cash didn't suck, I just miss getting threatening e-mails from readers.)


The weak die cold

I think my problem with Insult is the lack of freedom. I don't feel free to talk about what is on my mind, since it will probably offend numerous people.

I have a solution to my problem. My solution is the new version of Insult, that seems to never get finished. I don't see it being up until the fall at this point.

I love the americano. I always enjoy it, despite the $2.40 price tag. It never disappoints. My favourite time to have one is when I am already pretty awake.. it becomes just enough to push me over to a nice caffeine high.

Anyway.. I better get back to work.

I Found That Essence Rare


Yes, that's all I've got left of school.  One week of classes, passing three exams, and I'm done.  5 years, done.  Very nice.

Feeling good, went sailing again, today, I enjoy that.  There aren't many things in my life that I've encountered that I really have an immediate, visceral attachment to - I'm a pretty cerebral guy, things come to me filtered, so it's always kind of nice when my gut leeches onto something.  Beautiful stuff.

I'm subletting my apartment over the summer, that went well - the first person who came over to look at the place was this extremely, extremely attractive young woman, Hotel Administration, and I lent it to her.  (Caniprokis: I didn't even cut the asking price for her, you'd be happy - no 'pretty-rate-adjustment' or what have you).  Shame though, damn, this girl was something else.


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