I'm taking a study break from reading the hundreds of pages of Greek myth that I should have been keeping up with, but that I put off. 

I don't remember the Pledge since I haven't said it since I was 10, but I think there was something about God in there, maybe "one nation, under God, indivisible..." if I remember correctly.  I was never for it or opposed to it because, well, I was 10 and what did I care.  On the other hand, now that I'm not 10 anymore, I like Calliander's version of the Pledge.  No need to mention a diety that doesn't exist in my opinion. 

Three thousand miles is such a long distance and three months is such a long time.  I miss Wilson so much and it sucks.  I'm going to sunny CA in two weeks though and I couldn't be happier about it.  I get to see my boy AND I get to get away from Massachusetts.  I've lived in Massachusetts 95% of my life and I'm so very tired of it.  If we get any more snow or if it doesn't start looking more like spring real soon, I may just have to kill myself.

I'd like to take this opportunity to scream in frustration.  It's a general scream, frustrated by large universities' bureaucracy, people making policies who don't understand the underlying technology, professors who don't understand that gen ed classes should be easy, useless requirements, and a degree being necessary, not education, weather, and in general, things beyond my control.

Now I know this doesn't apply to most of you, but there are a few girls that read and post of this site.  Would you sell your eggs?  I recently came across an ad looking for egg donors.  You get to request the fee you're looking for.  I haven't done a whole lot of research yet, but I can't come up with a reason not to do it for oh, say, $10,000.  What do you think?

Okay, back to reading I guess.