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  • Rants:73
  • Percent of Insult: 3.12%

patraits win the super bowl

this is a preemptive fuck you to stone and his fucking patriats.however, better than a bullshit expansion team from a bullshit southern state winning.fuck north carolina.



In regards to my prior post, let me say that the game was good, but that the two stupid moves by Grady Little were the stupidest things I've ever seen. Heh.

Well, at least I don't have to watch the World Series now. :)

Son of a Bitch

Grady Little should be fired. That was the stupidest game I've ever seen.

Shit Smeared Red Sox Uniforms

Last night at Twin Pines Diner I finished my meal of 1 lb of rare prime rib with a heaping helping of Boston Cream Pie. Hoping to give the Red Sox a little luck, because it just wouldn't be as fun defecating in the mouths of the Oakland Craphletics in another miserably boring debacle.

I welcome the Bosox to Yankee Stadium with a Bronx cheer and know that nothing will be more satisfying than dismantling their playoff hopes once again and sending them home to their co-loser soccer playing fiance's, and their readied nooses hanging in Bill Buckners closet.

I would like to make a friendly bet with Stone. I offer my penis and testes up to a public castration if Boston wins. However if the Yankees win all I desire in return is your birth certificate, SS card and Cornell Diploma. Think it over man.

Hey if the Red Cox lose again, maybe you could call one of the 16 people that was alive the last time they won a World Series and ask them what it was like.

And in response to your question Stone, yes, blowing Ben Affleck would be considered "taking one for the team." Ahr No-Maa suck it haa-da

What a way to lose it for your team.

Terrence Long out on strikes, bottom of the 9th, bases loaded, two outs.

Those damned Red Sox are gonna face the Damn Yankees. This is gonna be sweet.


The Red Sox

What a way to clinch the wild card. Man.

Mike Piazza played first base last night. What a weird thing to look at, but he played well there. Hopefully this will reduce his injuries during the season. He still looks weird standing up while playing defense and not having all that catcher's padding on him.

Well, Stone, here's to your Red Sox. I kinda hope they win since they played well this year and deserve it. But then, there's Oakland, and it'd be great if a small-market team wins. Oakland is always proving them wrong. Hey, may the best team win.



Well, it's about time - after performing dismally for the past two seasons with overpaid players who can't get the job done, those crazy Mets are finally admitting their incompetence and starting to rebuild. They've shipped off Roberto Alomar to the White Sox and today they sent Jeromy Burnitz to Los Angeles. In return, the Mets received a lot of farm system prospects - possible future stars. Hopefully they will be able to unload the other players who are not producing, and that might even include Piazza if he doesn't get back this season. Truth be told, they needed to do this after being humiliated by the Yankees in the 2000 World Series.

Any other baseball fans here agree?



So, for all of you baseball fans here on Insult, I've voted for my all-stars. I haven't really been watching this year, so my choices were made by comparing the stats - mainly AB/AVG/RBI and the occasional SB for certain field positions. Let me know what you guys think:

Missing image: /pics/all-stars.gif



Nah, actually, Calliander, hitting people with the ball is allowed, in Squash.  If you're ever hit by the ball, you lose the point, basically - so aiming the ball at people is a pretty nasty tactic.  A situation where you have the time to aim at a person doesn't come up all that often, and doing it isn't exactly sporting, but most Squash rules sets still allow it.



Women have played at Augusta - women played over 1,000 rounds of golf as guests of members at Augusta National last year. The club, so far, has not decided to invite any women to become members...because it's essentially a golfing fraternity, a brotherhood. That's how the members seem to want it.
