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  • Rants:73
  • Percent of Insult: 3.12%

Record Breakers

Posted by Pappy:blah blah blah blah excuses etc

Speaking as someone who could normally care less about either of those teams, let me say this: The Arizona Diamondbacks, the Anaheim Angels, the Florida Marlins, and now the Boston Red Sox have all scored victories for baseball by defeating the Yankees. Granted, the Red Sox have a hefty payroll as well as the Mets, but the Yankees losing in the playoffs is like Vader throwing the Emperor down that shaft in Return of the Jedi. They're just TOO dominant. If the "curse" has ended, and the Red Sox dominate, it'll be a win if someone defeats them.

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.

Looks count

One thing can be said for the bunch, they're definetly better losers than winners.

As a fan of a team with some class, I would like to extend my congratulations to the Sox, and especially the prettiest man the sport has ever known, Johnny Damon. I just saw an interview with him, and now more than ever I'm convinced he's the spawn of an asian fucking a retard. But BOY that half-yellow half-tard can play, and get my nether regions all tingly at the same time.

So, way to go Sox... As for the fans, just hope your reveling doesnt wind up biting you in the ass. Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

I wish I had a girlfriend with hair this pretty.

Go Astros! Clemens will 0wn j00!

Massachusetts Blows

If you look around at what it means to be a sports fan, you'll get a good general idea on the matter. Fans feel every up and down a team goes through, in many cases with more emotion than you might expect from a burly, overweight man in his fifties. When your team loses, it sure does suck, but it's only a game right? When your team wins, it's one of the best things in the world. Your team did what they set out to do. Your team is the best, the greatest. Go team.

To me, Stone is a typical Boston fan. A sore loser when the team is defeated. A sore winner when the team triumphs. What the fuck is up with that? The general insecurity of Boston fans sickens me. Boston fans worry over every pitch, and pray that God will carry them (as said by one of the game 6 pitchers). Have a little self respect and confidence.

You can analyze the Yankee's fuck job to death, but it doesn't change the fact that Boston won. Who cares why the Yankees blew it (it's not exactly the first time they've blown big games)? Boston won. Celebrate the win, god damnit.

What Stone's post says to me is that he's not proud of what Boston did to win, he's maniacally revelling at the Yankee's failure. Does he think that Boston only won because the Yankee's fucked up? Stone must not think that Boston is worthy of a win here. Don't worry, Stone, pray to God to carry the team through the series.


Duh duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh duh nuh, Ghostbusters!


How You Like Me Now?

What's up now motherfuckers?  THE GREATEST CHOKE JOB EVER.  Think about it.  The Yankees fucked up harder than any team, in any sport, has ever fucked up before.  No team to go up 3-0 has ever let a team get to a 7th game.  No team to go up 3-0 has ever lost a series.  No team to go up 3-0 has ever lost a series to the team that supposedly has a curse on it.

I hope Yankees fans burn that toilet of a stadium to a ground.


My Vote

Now that the Red Sox have been eliminated, my cheers go to Houston. GO ASTROS! WHOO!!!

Together We Can Lick Breast Cancer

Goddamn Yankees.

Yankees vs Red Sox

Bottom of the 4th the score is 6-0 and schilling is already gone...... fuck you stone!

Duh duh duhh!

Well, the wild card series begins tonight, Red Sox vs Angels, Schilling vs Washburn, in Anaheim, 5 games.  This is the best Red Sox team ever.  I feel vaguely sick, like I'm going in for surgery, or getting too close to an unreliable woman.

I hate the Yankees.



What the hell happened?

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.