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  • Rants:29
  • Percent of Insult: 1.24%

snow and a mustang

SO iu just got home from walking about a half mile from where my car totally spun out. iut was pretty fucking cool, i was flyinh down parish farm road and i came around the bend for the turn up the hill and all the sudden im turned around, im just glad i missed the tree. im runk nas fuck now as im writing this and i was dribibg home in the fucking snow from mfucking crazy but im stilla live thats all that matters. alright time for bed but hey!!!!IM FUCKING ALIVE!!!!!!!  and thats kor than i deserve. fuck life i was hpoeng it be over tonight, close but no cigaR. ALRIGHT WELL LATER HPOEFULLY YOULL ALL BE READING MY OBITUARY BEFORE TH END OF 2005! PEACE FUCK FACES

Stones Future Wife

Compliments of Craigs list!

Drops on Glass

Anchor Steam is currently on tap here at the pad. Bought a case of Bass to take to a friend's earlier, but got back home not long after midnight. Enough time to have a few more Anchor drafts (yum..).

The drive home was particularly unique tonight. The skies were a bit different; there was rain falling from the heavens. The lack of measurable rain the past six months has caused even the more experienced rain drivers in this here city to come to a crawl as the storm grew.

I managed to maintain a level of speed such that the splashing droplets on my car would explode while being illuminated by the passing lights of the freeway. Los Angeles likes to light their roads. I had my wipers on the slowest delay possible, which I probably could have lived without considering how heavily waxed my car is. I don't think it sees the rain more than four or five real times a year at this rate, and it gets hand waxed very often so I've never seen rain not form as beads on the car. Windscreen included.

In a few weeks, it will have rained a few more times. By then, I'll be seeing more frequent accidents as more people gain more confidence. More rain, more problems. But tonight, driving in the fast lane actually was working. I wish people would drive like this at all times. A steady, well spaced out fifty miles per hour in the right three lanes opens up both the carpool lane and the left two lanes. At least until someone fucks up.

I wish driving required tested classification levels. Grandma can still go on the freeway, but restrict her lane changing.

On an up note, I did manage to enjoy the last bit of the Yankee / Red Sox game. I couldn't have asked for a better way for the Sox to blow out the season. Fuck Massachusetts. Might as well add my two cents on the matter.

Let's make it four cents, and let me say that the... well, no... fuck it.

patraits win the super bowl

this is a preemptive fuck you to stone and his fucking patriats.however, better than a bullshit expansion team from a bullshit southern state winning.fuck north carolina.



its 233 am and im fucking cocked

well i just walked home from the reef in branford, i have to say its a fdar cry from the bars in LA but i guess its something to do. its fucked u0p tosee people that were younger than you in high school at the bvar. anyways i got fucking hammered tonight, with jesus jay and cortneyn and debbie and some kid mike i met there were alot of hot ass girls at the bar but this toewn is suck a fucking sausage fest its baely ebven worth it to go out to the bar. im just amazingly hammered, i cant belive cort left without even offereing me a ride home, yet im not tall that surprised. i hpoe m,y car dosent get towed, if i were still in cali i would have drivin home this drunk...because it did it alot of time hahahahaha i cant even ingain trying to get into my car right now. fuck it im out. fuck all the hoes and all the skank ass bitches, first i fuck a bitch then you fuck a bitch pass that shit around and shit pass it like a cold and shit. fuck yall. i dont gibve a shit about nothing. fuck you and you and you and you and you and you and you, fuck all yall bitches.

948 for fucking life, no doubt 


ps, your not shit!


pps, i got the leanest meansest penis you never seen this stroke of genius!!!

Hizz-appy Bizz-irthy Dizz-ay Tizz-o Yizz-ou


Welcome to your 21st year of life! I urge everyone on here to engage in heavy drinking in honor of Sapphire turning 21, since none of her CT buddies can make it out here to have a party for her. Instead, raise your glass! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!


yes, yes,...dinner

When were we trying to write that? I have a sneaking suspicion that you and Peps were attempting to type that while sobering up, but judging by the fact that I have no recollection of the activity, I think I was, umm, sleeping. Regardless, the dinner party was a success. For the first time in a long while the filth hole was an eerie reminder of what it once was. A place to see friends, have fun, and wake up the next morning with a slight headache and a mysterious substance in your hair. Ahh...memories. Well I suppose I'm babbling now. It's time for someone else to be the three man. I'm departing soon and will miss the few that are left in these parts. later.

Uhm... Take two

Uhm... tonight was my dinner party.... Now me Arcee and Peps are sitting here at 1 am trying to sober up.  So, we are going to offer up a drunken summation of tonight's events.  But my magickal power goggles should help me write this post.

We started off the evening by eating copious amounts of food.  Then we played drinking games... then I made out with this girl.  uhm... this post is much shorter than I thought it would be.... fuck.


WOOP.� One more class and then I'm done.


Suss Suss Suss Suss Suspect Device

Haven't posted in a while.� Christ, I want to graduate.� I'm really, really tired of being here.� Do you think Insult would be more or less useful if the other 8 or 9 semi-active posters were people you didn't know?� I wouldn't mind having some sort of Insult-like site staffed by a randomly selected group of 10 (no more) interesting people that didn't know me.

What do I have to say?� I'd like to go into politics, I think.� This post-college stuff can be really nerve-wracking, re-evaluating what you think you want, and all that.� It's something I've avoided to a greater extent than most people in my situation.� I've never failed a college class before, but somehow the possibility of that happening worries me.� It shouldn't.� I feel like I'm getting sick of changing, my personality changing, my life changing, my beliefs changing - and that's kind of scary, being sick of growing.� It's a momentary thing, I know, but still.� I'd like to settle into a new track.�

I'm happy about how the war turned out.���Given the number of now-silent war protesters on campus, I'd�like to run around campus committing assault and battery with a shoe sole...bah.

I love sailing.�

There aren't a whole lot of things about which I can whole-heartedly say that I love, but sailing's one of them.�

Stun 28438 the Stampede

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