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  • Rants:9
  • Percent of Insult: 0.38%

When I Freeze Roaches I Bring Them Straight Back to Life

After work today, I went to this sushi restaurant, called "Sushi Roku", with about 11 other co-workers. 9 of the 11 are visiting our branch of the company I work at - they work at other branches.
$1150 food/drinks tab, which is a new record for me, although it doesn't meet our per/person Keens' record.
Sometimes when I'm unhappy, I feel like running headfirst into a wall to punish myself for being ungrateful for all the good things that are available to me.

Just to clear things up a bit

"Of all of our group of friends, I think he would be the one least likely to ever be the target of anyone's wrath or ire (unless he's next to Caniprokis and Caniprokis is high)." 

Ha ha i was laughing my balls off for like 5 minutes after i read that, good job Calliander, but just to clear it up, i really only beat up Wilson when i was trippin, im too lazy to beat up anyone when im high.

At our respective ages i think alot of us would like to think we are all grown up already, perhaps better than some of our other friends, well all im going to say is that im FAR from grown up (I am Better than most of you though *snicker snicker*) i think there are stages of growing up and we just passed into another stage, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our mid twenties i hope you all enjoy them and i hope non of us kill each other.


now to fill some quotas, shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat ok thats should cover "swears" as far as "sexual talk"........... i got nothin


Why the Right Hates America

I ran across this article the other day.. I didn't write it, I just agree with it, and since there's no other chance anyone else here will wind up reading it,I felt like posting it (hey, at least there's a chance now)..
See it formatted nicely: Here

As a leftist, I'm getting just a bit weary of hearing how much I "hate America." Ever since the big you-know what in late 2001, that little zinger has been the comeback of choice for any objections to US foreign policy. Don't like our new wars? Gee, you must really hate this country.

Friends on the right, you wound us. If we didn't love America, why would we spend so much time and energy on bake sales and discussion groups and lecture series and petition drives and demonstrations to make it a better place? I mean, there may be some parts of Dallas we're not too keen on, and personally, you couldn't pay me enough to live in Phoenix, but on the whole, sure, love that America. Friendly people, nice beaches, great forests, er, what's left of them.

Of course, the relationship is just a bit more complicated than that. We love America kind of like we might love a dear friend or relative who's drinking too much and putting his health in danger, or messing up his home life. We're kind of embarrassed and more than a little bit worried for good old America. But that doesn't mean we don't love her. Hey, we're family!

You know, it occurs to me that when rightwingers can't come up with a better argument than "you hate America," they might actually be projecting. After all, who was it that said that the 9/11 attacks allowed, quote, "the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve"? It wasn't any leftist, that's for sure. It was that jolly old moral majoritarian, the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

The more you think about it, the more it makes sense. The right can't stand American culture. Rock & roll swept the planet, helped bring down the Berlin wall, inspired everyone with its free-spirited, rebellious American energy. Who fought it every step of the way? The right, that's who. Same goes for hip-hop, another great American export, subject of Congressional inquisitions. And don't even get me started on Hollywood. Billions of people love our movies, but the right acts like the whole movie industry is the last refuge of Stalinism.

The right hates our heroes, too. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into making a holiday to honor the Rev. Martin Luther King, who helped us try to fulfill the promises of Reconstruction. And some of them still grumble, as Ronald Reagan did, that he was some kind of "communist." Still others, like John Ashcroft, express nostalgia for the Confederacy's fight to maintain slavery as a noble cause.

Come to think of it, the right hates our constitution, too, except for the Second Amendment, and maybe the Eleventh, now that the Rehnquist Court has rewritten it to mean "Congress shall pass no law that we don't like." But the First, the Fourth, the Fifth, and um, the Sixth, and the Eighth, and pretty much the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments are right out the window these days. Damn shame, too, if you ask me. Plus the right is still itching to overturn old decisions like Miranda and Bakke and Roe, if not Griswald. Some of them aren't too crazy about Brown v. Board, either, if you know what I mean.

And it's obvious by now that the right wing really, really hates democracy. If you even bring up the word, they go on about how the Founding Fathers made a republic, not a democracy. Well, sure, but they also wrote in the parts about blacks being three-fifths of a person, and only land-owning males being able to vote. Some of those cool old amendments moved us closer to actual democracy, at least for a while there. Now the rightwingers on the Supreme Court have made it clear that we have no actual right to vote, let alone have the votes counted if it's inconvenient for their candidate.

And the election of 2000 isn't the only one stolen by the right. In 1968, and again in 1980, the right-wing candidates, as private citizens, interfered with foreign-policy negotiations of the US government in order to (successfully) gain electoral advantage. Come to think of it, they did that again in 2000, advising the Israelis to drag their feet in the Camp David talks. But I guess they can get away with that, since they love America more than us pesky leftists.

But if the right loves America so much, why do they keep subsidizing the corporations that foul our air, despoil our coasts, and clear-cut our forests? Just how patriotic is the Bush administration's new rule that allows mining companies to shear off the tops of our purple-mountain'd majesty and dump them into our streams? Don't you think we could express our love of country a little better by tightening up those fuel economy standards, instead of squeezing the Middle East for more fuel for our Hummers?

Now that reminds me. Why does the right keep making so many enemies for our country? You know, like overthrowing elected governments in Iran and Chile and so on, or backing torture-happy juntas in Turkey and Pakistan, or paying for proxy terrorists in Nicaragua and Angola, or subsidizing the occupation of East Timor and the West Bank. Didn't the left keep saying, "Um, excuse us, if we keep supporting violence and terrorism abroad, it might come back to haunt us"? And we're the unpatriotic ones?

Oh, but that's where we got started here. Any time we criticize US foreign policy, we're making excuses for the terrorists. I guess it's inconceivable that the left could love America enough to want us to stop making new enemies. Well, okay, America. If invading Iraq doesn't work out as nicely as planned, you might give us a call. We still have a few ideas, and, gosh, we just love ya to pieces. Write sometime! After all, who gave you votes for women and blacks, and the weekend, and overtime, and retirement pay, and family leave? Your old pals on the left. God love ya.


Umm.. All I really have to add is Legalize Fuckin' weed already, man.. this is fucking insane already. If you haven't been keeping up on Operation Pipe Dreams and other DEA scams, you're realling missing out on some of the finest propaganda work our government has come up with in decades.

Post later.. maybe :P


This post was brought to you by Anchor Steam Ale.

Well, I want to post something, not leave the front page of Insult dormant, but the usual oh-bah-it's-exams whining doesn't seem like it'll do.

I've been thinking about my own death more lately. Why, I don't really know. I think it may have something to dowith a feeling of personal growth, with my having begun to encounter things that I've been putting off for a long time, read: driver's licence and college graduation. Moving along some path, I'll guess, makes me feel as if I'm moving closer to death. I wouldn't say that I really worry about it, just that I think about it. At times I do feel as if I have a bomb in my chest. I'm healthier than I think I might have ever been, so this sort of stuff makes even less sense than it might usually. It's really about the stupidest thing I can think of to worry about.

Ah well. Things are generally fine.

You're Getting A Dell!

Have you seen those Apple commercials, the ones that have average-joe type people talking about how they've switched over from their old PCs to new Macintoshes, and about how happy they are over the change? They're all 'real' about it too, we relate to them and their daily concerns, so on.

Yet, I dunno, I don't relate to these people, they all seem like jackasses. I dislike them, more than anything else. Normally, I don't have this sort of reaction to these anti-commercial commercials, I like the genre well enough, but it seems like with this ad campaign Apple really went out of their way to get ugly, annoying spokeswomen.

Hemming, hawing, talking about their jobs as Internet Media Producers and things like that, blaming their husbands for wanting to keep PCs, utterly, deeply unlikable. The people just don't look like ones I'd like to be identified with, either, look at the woman at the top of this post.

Now, Steve from the Dell commercials, he's a role model. I'm getting a Dell!


This doesn't really merit a full post. I don't even expect that anyone will read it, since the post is a few days old. Anyways, on AT&T Digital Cable, there's this menu that you move through in order to select the channel that you want to watch. "Dude, Where's My Car?" was just one of the movies that was on TV, but, its name was too long for the entry space on the Digital Cable menu - it'd been shortened to "Dude, My Car?". And, really, getting rid of the "Where's" turns it from a silly title into something art-house-like: "Dude, My Car?" Very translated-French.


Story Time

Alright, its late and im bored so im going to recount a story for you all that has become legend in our little group, those of you who were there please feel free to add any of the fun little tidbits of this i may miss, i was the one after all that was least sober.

let me set the scean for you all here. its 1998, spring semester, im still in high school, but FlyingTim, Pappy and Wilson all went to UMASS. So friday comes and ive planed to go up and visit my friends in college, stay at the dorm meet some new people and have a good time. little did i know that i would spend most of the weekend in FlyingTims room playing Tribes and drinking beer out of a way to big cup half filled with coolade lemonade. so i get up on that friday night, meet "The Fonz" FlyingTims roomate who leaves as soon as i get there comes back later that night and really nothing happens i spend a night on a dirty floor wishing i waited till saterday to come up. Saterday, we wake up at about or 1pm and go eat breakfast, now i would have liked to eat at any of the wonderful DC's there at UMASS but no we drive into fucking Hadly and go to dunkin donuts, anyways the day is pretty uneventfull untill about 3pm. at this time Logan is on his way Logan being at the time my best friend so im all set hes coming were all going to party together itll be great so knowing this i go into my wallet and pull out what i came up to do that weekend, a nice and big Purple Geltab of yummy LSD.

Now this is only the second time i had ever used Acid so after about an hour and not feeling any change i start to think that i got burned and start to get pissed, Flyingtim tells me to chill out, so i decide to give it a little more time, after this point things start to take a turn....

Tim puts on Darkside of the Moon figureing it would be the most logical thing to listen to and he puts it on his computer with a program that follows the music with some kind of colors and movement sceam it was new at the time and some what intreaging. the next thing i know the cd is over and tim is just standing there looking at me...its working

about 45 minutes later Logan calls hes lost at some biker bar trying to find the campus he eventually gets here and call from the street. we have to go down and meet him to bring him up. fine i say ill stay here where its no says tim you have to come with me to get him. ok ill go we go downstairs and tim remebers that i cant leave because i have to get checked in and out so he tells me to wait here and he will be back.....wait here and ill be back.....wait here and ill be back...thats really all i could understand at the time so i did, i waited did not move, people came and i freaked out but did not move, it was a rainy night and i was standing in the doorway getting wet, there was a street light at the top of the hill of the dorm i was looking at, and looking at and looking at. the light just kept getting bigger and bigger and turning all kinds of different beautiful shades of blue, the light started to dance with the rain, back and forth it danced the ripples on the ground even got involved, it was quite a show....but then suddenly it stoped. i realized i was alone except for the RA standing next to me. dont ask me what happened next because i dont know, the next flash of memery i have im standing in front of a badly out of tune piano playing some kind of melodic funk rif.......wanna know a secrete....*wispers*-i dont know how to play piano-.....and tim taps me on the sholder and i turn around to Logan and tim just laughing at me.....very funny guys you left me for so long tim-dude weve only been gone for 5 minutes. oh boy...........

Logan, he was suppose to be my safty, he was suppose to keep me ocupied with cool things and keep me in a good mood, instead he shows up and starts pounding beers and gets way to drunk to even think never mind play with a trippin kid. so were in Tims room waiting for Wilson and Pappy to come so we can go to friendlys to get some food and i find a bottle of Jack Danials in the fridge. haha i think its mine noone knows i have it but i better finish it before anyone sees, i promtly start to chug the entire bottle, about 3 or five seconds later Loagn performs one of his only good deeds of the weekend and rips it out of my hands and tells me im not allowed to touch it again, i listen and start to feel a little sick, but i get over it and end up just really Drunk and Trippin.

we dicide that my car will be the best to take, mainly because i dont know any better at this point, first i decide tat Pappy should drive i dont really know why but he seemed to represent some kind of responsibilty to me at the time, he cant even get it out of first gear and i start yelling at him to get the fuck out of my car ill fucking drive. god deed alert #2 logan says why dont you let tim drive...sounds good to me..tim you drive ok were off to food.

trees are funny things then your moving in fact moving is a funny thing when your trippin, being in the car felt like i was flying, i opened my sunroof even though it was raining it all looked so pretty the rain felt like thousands of tiny cool pelets hitting my face, it was soothing and calming, i enjoyed my ride it was fun the headlights started to dance with the rain and the road colors shot out of no where streaks flew through the sky every car that went by was twice as big as i remeber cars being, people on the street were moving very very slow and yet very very fast, some dident move they just stood and looked as if i was a caged animal on display...look look that kid is no no, they dont know your trippin relax.

FRIENDLYS AND THE CLOCK: so we get seated and im looking at a menu, or so im told, Logan starts to yell at me in german, Wilson tells me to order fries, the man comes, he looks at me, i look at him, he asks me what i want, i think, i want fries, just tell the man you want fries and a coke....i hide behind my menu, i literly take the menu and put it over my face. Logan orders fries and a coke for me, good deed #3, so the man leaves and i put down my menu, Wilson looks at me, dude look at that big blue clock over there. now there really is a giant free standing blue clock in the friendlys i later learn but i look and wow that is a really big clock and what a funny color....about five minutes later dude look at the huge clock over there...oh man is it getting bigger??? i think you know where this is going, by the time we leave that clock is bigger than me and i run out of the place.......the car ahhh safty.

the rest of the night is pretty much just me trippin sack in tims room but there is one more importnant detail i must inform you of, this is where all of Logans good deed points get thrown out the window...literally.

were in my car and i put on my new korn tape that i bought that day, i like it and its good but Logan decides that it corporate rock and it sucks and he starts geting me going and im like yeah man fucking industry fucks fucking everyone trying to make it on the local scean and i rip the tape out of my car and throw it out the window. 1...2...3. . .NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY NEW TAPE!!!!!!! and we never found it tim kept driving and i forgot about it ten minutes later.

The End

New Design

January 11th, 2002:

The new design has been completed and uploaded. I would appreciate any and all comments or criticisms. Thanks a lot!

Only the good die young

Our Dear Departed Friend I don't know about you, but over the last couple of hours, I've been searching for a place to anchor my hope. When times like this come, and they come for all of us, we look to a place to anchor for stability. We want to celebrate, remember and think, and think about the man that we love.

I want to encourage you to do three things in the coming days. To tell those stories, and everybody's got a Macgyver story sitting in here, and to laugh, and to remember the emotion that goes with those stories. To listen to each other as you tell those stories and to pray. And to pray. Pray alone and with each other. I think Macgyver would be happy that we would be laughing and telling stories with each other.

Where do we go from here? I mean each of us, we don't like thinking about this but what do we do with those who are here today? How do we anchor to something?

I would like to take this time to talk with you all about Macgyver's life.

Macgyver came into my life the same day he came into Pappy's life. Down in Connecticut, in a small town named Guilford. From that day on, none of the lives touched by Macgyver would ever be the same. Ever since the first time we all hung out with Macgyver, we worried that some day he would be gone, and although we all thought he would be with us longer than he was, we relished every single moment that we got to spend with him.

You know.. you never ever see it coming. It was just two short days ago that I was dutifully filling Macgyver with little chunks of broken ice. Never did I think that would be the last time that I would see him. Macgyver was always so good to us, whether it was the kindest of the kind, or the most insane-o gas station weed from Caniprokis. He was more than just some tool, he was a friend, a member of our closest circle of friends.

I think all of us who knew, and undoubtedly loved our dear friend Macgyver, feel like we've been widowed. Surely, some day, we must learn to love another, but it feels dirty to even think of consuming the smoke which Macgyver had so dutifully supplied to our lungs out of any other piece of equipment. Any other piece of equipment, would be nothing more than just that -- equipment. Macgyver was our friend. He will be missed.

I, For one, will be observing a day of posting silence on 4/20/2001 in rememberance of our dear departed friend.

Rest in peace, little buddy.

Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair....

I saw the play "Hair" last night. You know what? Its kind of a shitty play. There is no real plot to it. There is sort of a hinted a plotline, but it really doesn't come to the forefront of the play, they just have it there within a bunch of wacky hippie crap. Maybe that meant as a commentary on hippidom or something like that. I've never been all that great at analysing this sort of thing. I have a problem with literature in that sense. You never really know what the author was trying to say, but I hate when people insist that they do know exaclty. Anyway, its not that great of a play. Maybe its just the hippie thing itself. I don't really like the hippie movement. It just seems very stupid to me. It seems to include the ideals of opposing war, smoking drugs, and getting laid. I mean there was some commentary in the play about hippies not accomplishing anything, but I think a lot of it was satirical. (WARNING: the next portion of this paragraph may be largely boring, so if you become board while reading this secetion, please feel free to skip ahead to the last sentance of this paragraph) That was the impression that I got from this production anyway. The whole anti-establishment thing seems pretty dumb in many ways to me because it just focuses on the bad of the system and dogmatically opposes the whole. I think the fact that I had just been discussing Imanuel Kant's "Perpetual Peace" had something to do with it. I took up the issue in reading the work that Kant does not seem to support any concrete notion of an administration that would enforce peace, which is a problem. These hippies are just undermining that necessity in their free-sex, hemp-smoking ways of life. Fucking hippies.

Anyway. "Hair," if you've chosen to read this far, which most probably have not, kinda sucks. It just furthers my contempt for hippiedom. Hippies, as portrayed by this play at least, seem mostly to be self-serving fools that oppose war and support fraternity among all people, yet make no actual endeavors to better the world, but rather choose to get high and fuck.

In conclusion, I would like to note something that Pappy said a few days ago in one of his posts: that he likes monkeys. I like them too.




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