Highlander is one of the greatest stories ever told, period! i don’t understand all this hatred from the Bleeders, i mean, is it the monthly loss of blood that makes you unable to comprehend the genius behind this story? and calliander, well you’ve always been an honorary bleeder so im not surprised at your business as usual flip flop on a subject.

lets take a look at xxtigerbunnyxx(i assume the “x”‘s are because your so edge) list

black hawk down, i saw this in theaters, it was a good movie, if not completely and utterly depressing i would not label this as an action movie though, much more of a drama set in the background of war.

Rules of engagement, another Drama set to the backdrop of war, this one with a lot more flash backs.

Three Kings, a comedy set to the back drop of….you guessed it war…..im seeing a trend here…..

Star wars, war is in the tittle of this one so it must be good right? while a little broad considering this comprises 6 movies ill give you they qualify fro action most of the time, though the new ones are more like dramas.

Band of Brothers, i happen to love this mini series, but again its a drama.

now that we have figured out xxtigerbunnyxx likes dramas set to the back drop of war we can move on to actual action movies.

here are 6 actual action movies in no particular order

Drunken master 2
The Rock
Die Hard
Predator, this one is kinda about war so you should like it.
The Rundown
Terminator 2