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  • Rants:37
  • Percent of Insult: 1.58%

Hello Every Body!!!

Hay this is my first post on insult; I hope you know who I am. I know I have not spoken to may people in a long time, but I think of every one all the time. Just an update on what is going on with me. After CT moved to NJ and then PA. Nothing was like the old home town. Moved to Philadelphia bummed around, drank 40s and went to school to learn animation and media arts. College was very easy for me and did not care much for it the last year felt like it was a total waste.


Just moved out to Los Angeles a few months ago to get into video games or some thing like that. Now I think just want to make some sort of art as a job. I really wish I dont have to worry about money so I can build motorcycles, make furniture and build stain glass all day and not care about any thing else. Well maybe have a few beers every night would be good too. Maybe to hop on a motorcycle and ride off into the night would be nice too.  


Well there is some one special in my life for 5 years now, her name is Jamie. She is one crazy gal that is the total opposite of me and we get along great. I think she might be init for the long haul with me, but no M word as of yet. I hope it never has to come to that. But I am loving LA. I think Stone and I have switched places, I hope he like the cold cuz I love the weather in LA. LA is also very relaxed and friendly unlike Philadelphia. I was starting to hate Philadelphia it is a very small city where every one is only 2 degrees apart, maybe it was because I lived there for so long.


Now I am just getting by day to day, cant speak of any wealth to my name. But I am happy for the most part other lacking some worldly possessions: how can you blame me I am only an American. I am going to end this soon, Any one is welcome to visit me and drink a few beers or  40.  I will stop it here.


What the hell? Why are people getting upset that BEER COMPANIES are marketing their product to the most profitable demographic? At least they aren't pumping out ads for people UNDER 21. Sweet motherfucking pirate Jesus, what a bunch of crybabies.

Note that I also find it funny that nobody so far has gotten the last question right. I can understand mistaking or forgetting on the other ones, but I mean, honestly:

The answer to Mike's quiz!

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '21, you suckas.

Tricking Six Digits on Kicks

A year and a month after coming to Los Angeles, I'm leaving here and moving to Philadelphia.  I'm getting in my car tomorrow morning and driving to Denver.  From Denver to Des Moines on Wednesday, and from Des Moines to Columbus on Thursday.  My grandparents live in Columbus.  From Columbus I'll drive to Philadelphia, and get into Philadelphia during the early evening.

I'm excited as hell.  I'm moving into Arjie's old apartment, which is kind of funny.

Feeling good, too, happy, a bit jumpy.

This is going to sound boastful, but I don't mean it that way - the last year's been an unmitigated success in my mind - I did what I came out here to do: succeed at a job, prove to myself I know how to perform, and get away from college.  I do feel like I could've done even more though - scoring 30 when I could've scored 45.

That's what moving to Philadelphia is about, I guess, trying to raise the bar again.  I'm going to try to spend the next few days, while I'm on the road, reflecting on what I've done well here.

The east coast is my home.


Suck it, Gipper

I wish I could have gotten on here days ago to post this, but whatever. My fucking weeks have been so goddamned annoying and busy that I still get some smidgeon of enjoyment from it. Fuck you all.

Fuck Ronald Reagan. Good fucking riddance. What a worthless waste of space; they should have euthanised him ten years ago and saved us the trouble today. Worst wishes to his family and friends. He was a terrible president. Fuck the idiots waiting 12 hours to see a stupid goddamned casket. Morons. I spit upon his grave. Fuckers.

Go to hell and die, all of you.

Because i honestly dont know

I think that stone will be the only one to awnser this which is fine cus i pretty much just wanted to ask him but anyone who has an awnser is welcome to reply. i would like some kind of explanation as to what the difference between a caucuse and a primary is. ive been reading alot about the elections and what not to try and stay informed but i find myself at a disadvantage because i dont know whats these terms mean really. so if you can help awesome thanks. a link to a page explaining them would be awesome too. i just want to be more informed. thank you

Mission of Burma

Well, I've graduated, and I'm in a good mood. The weather's good, the Red Sox are ahead, this job search stuff is going well, feeling healthy. Being happy can be kind of boring, though - at times I feel like I need a new problem, something to focus on. I just got an interview with a fucking investment bank, which is the shit.

I went to Rudy's last night with Lio and Calliander, and I got a girl's number, which I then promptly lost. I still have her e-mail address, though. Anyways, that's new to me - I didn't know how I'd meet people outside of the college environment, so, renewed hope.


So, I've been thinking about taxes and deflation recently - it's pretty interesting stuff.

Right now, the economy is threatened by deflation - a fall in the prices of goods. People aren't buying, so stuff becomes less expensive. Goods produced in America will begin to become cheaper relative to foreign goods, too, I think. The reason deflation is bad is because the job market stagnates (I think). However, I guess it's not entirely bad, right - if prices are lower, I can consume more. Some economists don't think there's anything wrong with deflation. However, I think deflation deters investment because it forces people to wait before buying long-lasting goods.

Say you're planning on buying a$300,000 house - however, you know that deflation is going on, and that the house will be worth $290k next month. Why buy now? You're always going to be waiting for the deflationary period to end, always waiting to see how low prices are going to go before you commit to the house purchase.

What produces deflation? From what I can understand, deflation happens when there isn't enough cash in the economy to buy the stuff people want (I think). If there isn't enough cashbeing shifted around, then the value of a dollar drops (not enough money to buy the stuff we want, so the stuff we want becomes less expensive). I'm not entirely sure howcash enters the economy, but I think it involves the government buying bonds from banks and giving them cash in return.

Anyways, how does our government deal with deflation, try to correct it?It usually tries to end deflation by having the fed lowering interest rates. Interest rates basically tell you the value of holding on to money - not spending it. The Fed Interest rate is therisk-free rate, the rate you can get by investing money in a source that offers absolutely no risk of loss. If interest rates are really low, like they are now, then there's no reason to hold on to money, and no reason not to borrow. The goal, I think, is to force people to shift money around - which will even out prices again.

However, what if we're at an interest rate of virtually zero, and people still aren't spending? That's what people seem to think is happening right now.

There's the idea of something called a "liquidity trap". What I think this is is a situation where the economy is so bad that people aren't willing to spend or borrow money - even if the interest rate is zero, and there's no benefit to keeping money or penalty for taking it. John Maynard Keynes, the big liberal economist, is the one who came up with this idea. I don't know what people who believe in the idea of a "liquidity trap" think the solution is to deflation.

I think one solution would be to create artificial jobs - for the government to put tons of money into the economy by hiring people, basically forcing money into the hands of the people. I don't understand why the government couldn't just spend itself into debt (Deficits), and in doing so act as the investor. The treasury presses start printing bills. The government cuts taxes, starts to lose money, invests in itself, and the economy starts again.

I dunno. I wish I knew more about economics. I think of myself as a pretty educated guy, but I don't really understand much about this inflation/deflation issue, even though it seems to be completely crucial to the way our economy works. The economy is sucha huge part of our lives, and the way it works is a mystery to most people, which is strange. It'd be like living in a world where most people didn't understand gravity, and where there was constant debate over how exactly gravity worked.



Holy Fuck

Check that out � it�s an article talking about how a tribe of 1200 Somali Bantus are being let into the US, wholesale, as refugees.The article talks about how they�ve been enslaved by Arabs in Somalia and denied access to education and jobs in Somalia.��The article also�mentions how the �lighter-skinned majority� rejected the Somali Bantus because of �their slave origins and dark skin and wide features�.

So, good for the US, we�re helping these people, right, yay for America?� Not so much.

The writer, describing their transition to American life, here then contrasts the�benefits of our society with�its negative�aspects:

�The refugees watch snippets of American life on videos in class, and they marvel at the images of supermarkets filled with peppers and tomatoes and of tall buildings that reach for the clouds. But they know little about racism, poverty, the bone-chilling cold or the cities that will be chosen for them by refugee resettlement agencies.�

They know little about racism or poverty?What the fuck?The writer�s just been detailing the slavery and oppression they�ve been put through in Somalia, many of them hardly had homes, they couldn�t own land � and he�s saying that they�re going to be learning about racism and poverty when they come to the US?

This is why people say that left-wingers hate America - you understand?

This chick is suggesting that their lot in America is going to be racism and poverty � so much, in fact, that their horrific experiences in Somalia have still only taught them �little� by comparison.�

Lets�just assume the�existence of all the difficulties�that will�probably come from their�being black and�uneducated: they have little savings, will be living on welfare, may have their welfare cut off if they don't find jobs, may not have complete medical care, they won't have�enough Affirmative Action to benefit them,�won't be receive the same cash-equivalent benefit from a tax cut that someone paying $20 million a year in taxes will, they'll recite a Pledge of Allegiance that may impinge on their right to be atheists, blah blah blah, so on.

Even taking all of that bullshit into consideration, the idea that whatever sort of poverty and racism these people will know in the US could be even comparable to the life they had in Somalia is fucking insane.How could anyone not ridden with anti-patriotic self-hatred be so blind as to think that?�

The structure of those two sentences above necessarily sets up a negative comparison�between aspects of�American life:�(good) "supermarkets" and "tall buildings" and (bad) "racism", "poverty", and "bone-chilling cold".� If we're to assume that these 1200 Bantus "know little" about the American levels of "racism" and "poverty", then American racism and poverty has to be really, really, really fucking bad - the lot of someone undergoing racism/poverty in the US will necessarily (according to this woman's statements) be worse on average than the lot of an ENSLAVED BANTU IN FUCKING SOMALIA.

This is the dream world that many of these�upper-middle-class-fuck-ups live in - one where they assume the faceless masses of the American poor live a life so torturous that America is no better than, say, Somalia, or Iraq.� Given that our poor know far more about racism and poverty than the average Bantu in Somalia, who are we to criticize Saddam Hussein?� Shame on us, right?� Fuck them.�

I want to retch.



Holy Christ, who wrote that article?

You know, it occurs to me that when rightwingers can't come up with a better argument than "you hate America," they might actually be projecting. After all, who was it that said that the 9/11 attacks allowed, quote, "the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve"? It wasn't any leftist, that's for sure. It was that jolly old moral majoritarian, the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

Wait, wait, wait, who the hell is he to be bringing up stupid-ass political slogans/"arguments"?� The Left's got "No Blood for Oil" (freeing Iraq actually has to do with us needing oil),�which makes absolutely zero sense.� Having a friendly dictator in power in an oil state would get us a whole lot more oil than levelling sanctions and destabilizing the region - plus, christ, oil is oil, it's a commodity, increasing supply out of Iraq won't shift the oil price enough to make a difference for America in particular.� And then, again, America needs more oil least of all.

Falwell is on some sort of weird Authoritarian fringe of the right - he got slapped down for that comment by as many right-wingers as left-wingers.� He's certainly further away from the center of the Republicans than, say, Nader is from the Democrats'.

"The more you think about it, the more it makes sense. The right can't stand American culture. Rock & roll swept the planet, helped bring down the Berlin wall, inspired everyone with its free-spirited, rebellious American energy. Who fought it every step of the way? The right, that's who. Same goes for hip-hop, another great American export, subject of Congressional inquisitions. And don't even get me started on Hollywood. Billions of people love our movies, but the right acts like the whole movie industry is the last refuge of Stalinism."

Heh - who was the one who started the PMRC (that group that labels rock and rap music and tried to keep some of it out of stores)?� Tipper Gore, Al Gore's wife - and the rest of the PMRC was driven by Democrats, not Republicans.� I like Lieberman, but he's not exactly got a blemish-free record when it comes to supporting music, movies, and video games.� The idea that Republicans "fought" Rock music "every step of the way" is deeply stupid - one, no one fought it "every step of the way", and two, most major censorship-like efforts in the past 20 years have been Democrat-driven.

They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into making a holiday to honor the Rev. Martin Luther King, who helped us try to fulfill the promises of Reconstruction. And some of them still grumble, as Ronald Reagan did, that he was some kind of "communist." Still others, like John Ashcroft, express nostalgia for the Confederacy's fight to maintain slavery as a noble cause.

I think he means Trent Lott, not John Ashcroft.� When Trent Lott made those comments, virtually the entire Republican party and most Republican political commentators rose up to immediately voice their disagreement with him and ask for his resignation.� No issues of loyalty over morality or anything else like that - the party took care of it by itself.� Not supporting the holiday is hardly indicative of racism, though it seems like a gimme and a useful cop to a lot of people.

Come to think of it, the right hates our constitution, too, except for the Second Amendment, and maybe the Eleventh, now that the Rehnquist Court has rewritten it to mean "Congress shall pass no law that we don't like." But the First, the Fourth, the Fifth, and um, the Sixth, and the Eighth, and pretty much the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments are right out the window these days. Damn shame, too, if you ask me. Plus the right is still itching to overturn old decisions like Miranda and Bakke and Roe, if not Griswald. Some of them aren't too crazy about Brown v. Board, either, if you know what I mean.

Heh, the fourteenth amendment is the one that allows the US Government to freely do things to restrict and stop citizens who give "aid and comfort" to the enemy, stop insurrections and rebellions and things like that.� Kind of funny in this context.� The other crap is all "ashroftt is turning the�us into a pOlice statE!@!$!@$!! stuff, which, eh, people are welcome to believe that.

Really, though, the worst stuff is how he keeps pounding that racism button, and, I don't know, if the party's reaction to Lott doesn't prove to you that most of those racism accusations are bullshit, then I don't know what will.� It's a horrid, stupid stereotype.

There's more, but I should go to class.


It's Been a While

Heya folks! I'm in a great mood today, thinking about the prospect of moving and all, and just being able to breathe still. It occurred to me that it's been quite a while since I've pissed anyone off with a left-field comment or been berated so I wanted to let you all know that I'm still thinking of you. Today I opened up the New York Times and two wonderful sites revealed themselves to my eyes: The federal appeals court is standing firm on keeping those asshole Christians out of MY Pledge of Allegiance and Iraq destroyed four of their Al Samoud 2 missiles (for those of you not in the know, those are the ones that exceed the range limit). Now, I'm all for the war in spirit, but we all know that a war has a 99% chance of helping the economy, which will raise our Commander in Chief's approval from the middle back up to where it was before the Frogs and the Krauts started giving us trouble. So I felt like pissing off some Christians and some Republicans today. Here are two fantastic images for ya:

Have you ever eaten a six pound lobster...

... off the chest of a seven pound lobster?

Never Forget

No matter what your views on President Bush's
statement of upcoming war, this, from an English
journalist, is very interesting. Just a word of
background for those of you who aren't familiar with the UK's Daily Mirror. This is a notoriously
left-wing daily that is normally not supportive of the Colonials across the Atlantic.

Tony Parsons ... Daily Mirror ... September 11, 2002

If i stand alone, ill fight for you!

948 out

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