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  • Rants:83
  • Percent of Insult: 3.55%


Um. America has spoken. America has shown that their will is another four years of George W. Bush, Republican leaders and bans on gay marriage. While I would normally be inclined to yell and shout about "the stupidity of the average American," over these sorts of results, there is only one thing that I feel upon viewing the electoral map:

I'm not wanted.

People like myself who realized that voting on terrorism was unmerited, who realized the impending reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision, who realized the poor decisions on the economy, who realized the poor execution of the Iraq war; we're not wanted.

People like us are not needed or wanted in a country where common sense, logical thinking and rationality are shunned for idealogical pandering and a plea to irrational fears.

I was hopeful. I thought Kerry stood a chance. But, the people have spoken. I can't see any reason to continue caring anymore about the direction that America is heading, since my opinion is not of the majority. I'll get over it, but right now it feels as though there is no reason to live. This was a very personal election for me.

I just wanted to thank you guys for being my friends and I hope that you all voted, regardless of who you voted for. I also want to thank the members of my "opposition" who didn't vote on terrorism - at least you voted your heart or your wallet and I appreciate your intelligence. I congratulate the President on legitmizing himself after some major attacks because of the 2000 Florida vote.

Take care, you guys. Thanks for being here.

- Calliander

Massachusetts Blows

If you look around at what it means to be a sports fan, you'll get a good general idea on the matter. Fans feel every up and down a team goes through, in many cases with more emotion than you might expect from a burly, overweight man in his fifties. When your team loses, it sure does suck, but it's only a game right? When your team wins, it's one of the best things in the world. Your team did what they set out to do. Your team is the best, the greatest. Go team.

To me, Stone is a typical Boston fan. A sore loser when the team is defeated. A sore winner when the team triumphs. What the fuck is up with that? The general insecurity of Boston fans sickens me. Boston fans worry over every pitch, and pray that God will carry them (as said by one of the game 6 pitchers). Have a little self respect and confidence.

You can analyze the Yankee's fuck job to death, but it doesn't change the fact that Boston won. Who cares why the Yankees blew it (it's not exactly the first time they've blown big games)? Boston won. Celebrate the win, god damnit.

What Stone's post says to me is that he's not proud of what Boston did to win, he's maniacally revelling at the Yankee's failure. Does he think that Boston only won because the Yankee's fucked up? Stone must not think that Boston is worthy of a win here. Don't worry, Stone, pray to God to carry the team through the series.

Caniprokis vs. The Man

Posted by Caniprokis:and what has all this gotton me. MORE FUCKING WORK. not disaplinary action that i so craved but just the oposit more respociblitly and people coming to me for anwsers and desisions.

all i wanted really was to get fired so i could collect unemployment for a little while fuck off and play music. instead im a god damned soot after commidity in my department

That is too funny. I was going to suggest a grammar/spell check function, but that post wouldn't be half as good without all of that stuff. It adds character. What have you been up to man, aside from work?

Good to see Insult picking up a bit. Keep it coming, folks!

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.

Do you know where I can find Goo Gone?

Well, I keep meaning to post more.. and I will hopefully make this short because this still feels like work to me.. hopefully not for long though.

See, when I moved to LA I was working at an office. Long hours, yes, but I got to go home at the end of the day. A little over 6 months ago, I started working from home as the office deal I had ran its course, and I couldn't afford to pay rent myself again.

Well, working from home does have its advantages. I get to have access to the full array of kitchen provisions, the BBQ, and the kegerator (which has been woefully empty since MAY). The problem is that I can't leave work and go home. I am back into a situation where I can go from bed to work without touching the ground (my desk chair and bed are basically next to eachother).

If I had the real time for a social life, this would impact it I'm sure. I have three high resolution monitors on my desk. I lack geek pride. Just imagine the reaction a pretty girl would have. Perhaps not horror or disgust like what I feel, but it wouldn't be good.

But it's about to change. I will be working the grind out of an office again, and my apartment will return to being a home. I am going to try not to have any computers in my room with the exception of my laptop that I need to function.

But moving sucks. I have made more moves than most people do in their lifetime. And this most recent one is quite excruciating as it is moving very slowly. I will spare you the full explanation because it is quite boring. The bottom line is that moving sucks.

Went to the beach yesterday, and I think I did take most of Sunday off too. The beach was good. It's finally warmed up, it feels like the beginning of summer here in SoCal. We're all expecting an indian summer. I heard it might rain next week too.

Archie has turned into more of a workaholic than even he expected I think. EA feeds him when he works like this (12 hour days), and I'm sure he could use the cash. He's probably going to post on here since I gave him a login just now.

Anyway, I am going to go burn some dinner.

I use my body to pee.


So i have this office job. i go to work sit in a cube anwser the phone and have some other office duties that i wont really get into. now ive been at this place for about 9 months. i pretty much hate the place, not because customer service fucking sucks (never ever ever ever take a customer service job if you like your life) i mean its better than digging holes or framing houses ni the winter and pays better and i have benifits but.... this fucking place drains all life from people. it makes you compcent, it makes you feel like ill just sit right here and keep getting paid and this will be fine.

when i fist started i wore very nice cloths and shoes and shaved every day and made sure my apearance was the nices i could make it. soon i found that i was not just going to be a cs rep but also i was going to be the running bitch in the office, which i dident mind since it got me out of the cube of hate i live in, but i started interacting with the factory and getting boxes and clibling pallets all of this to hopefully advance my way out of cs. figubug going above and beyond would make that an easy transistion. nono how wrong i was. all it got me was alot more work for the same pay and no chance of advancement in a company that has some of the most severe ceilings in movement i have ever seen.

so i started an experiment, how far could i go before i got spoken to. i dident care about what, my appearance, my work, my attitude anything at all. i started going to work in jeans and sneakers, noone has said anything about this to date 5 months now. i dont do work i dont want to do nothing has ever been said about this, i have even just thrown people folders away because they pissed me off, nothing has ever cme back to me. ive had meeting and told the bosses that i think this place is bullshit, that my manager is a hack that our proceadures are the kind of garbage that belongs deep in space and that i could give a shit about the customers. and what has all this gotton me. MORE FUCKING WORK. not disaplinary action that i so craved but just the oposit more respociblitly and people coming to me for anwsers and desisions.

all i wanted really was to get fired so i could collect unemployment for a little while fuck off and play music. instead im a god damned soot after commidity in my department.....fuck.

My birthday

For everyone in the great state of California, just wanted to let you folks know of some hopeful plans for my birthday this year.

Since my birthday (10/2) falls on a Saturday I was hoping that the Los Angeles county residents could come down to Long Beach to hang out, have some fun, watch some movies, etc. for the day. So e-mail me or IM me or something if this is a plausible plan. Peace out.

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.

Lio, Movin' On Up!

Posted by LioConvoy:Life's been a fucked up bag of tricks and treats for me lately. My computer finally shit the bed for good, I'm relegated to using daddy's computer. But I got a new job and am getting the fuck out of Caron's. It's a sales job with Bose. Nothing I'm gonna make a career of, but it's not food service, it has full benefits, and tuition reimbursement if I decide to go back to grad school while I'm there. And finally I totalled my beloved Smurf Rocket. Sure it was an old station wagon... but it had soul... and a smurf sitting on the dashboard. RIP Smurf Rocket.

Sucks about the computer and the car, man. I never even got to see the Smurf Rocket. :( What happened that you totalled it?

On the other hand, it's awesome that you're finally able to leave Caron's. You may not think the sales job is much, but treat it with 150% seriousness and effort, especially if you're getting the benefits and (even better) the tuition reimbursement. And definitely look into grad school. It's really great to hear about the job, man; it sounds like the first step to getting into full swing. Congratulations, Lio!

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.


This is our new kitty, Siro!

10 Years Past

This week we remember the passing of Curt Cobain, front man of the "Grunge movement", reluctent leader of a culteral revolution felt by many but understood by few. most have moved on, those come and go fans who were "so devastated" by the loss of Curt in 1994 now think of him only as a small part of there growing up. but for some, for the people who took his music, his art, his soul into there hearts, this time serves to revitalize the feelings they had and have about a time in there lives where nothing seemed certain except death.

For me this is the first time i can look back 10 years and see the beginigs of the person i am now having been present. I remember the day i found out, siting in my room listening to Zrock 1300 am they were joking about it and i thought it was a fucked up thing to say. i went and put on mtv and it was Kurt im a fucking tool Loader telling everyone that Curt was gone. then i had to go out and build that white fence in front of my house with my dad right before i had to go to the senior night at st marys, i was in 7th grade but thats what they did there. i had asked the dj to play a nirvana song and the mother fucker refused, i dont think ill ever forget that night. His death inspired me and it crushed me. i became upsessed with the pursuite of music which i am still grateful for, but i also became very depressed for a long time because the man who i felt was voicing my feelings to the world, making how i felt apparent to everyone adults children and alike. was now gone.

I still feel that lose, and i still morn his passing in my own ways. But i think Curt had to go, what he accomplished, what he changed made the world rethink and it made the world accept. and i think he felt he had made too high of a bar for himself, that the fickle fans would soon turn from him and he wouldent be able to handle that, that inevitable change that would have made Nirvana and Curt Cobain just another band and just another rocker junkie front man. his music came from his heart, and it was real and that was the difference between him and the rest of grunge, what he sung about touched him and ment something to him like it ment something to us. it would be arrogant to think that it ment the same things to him as us, but what it ment wasent as important as the fact that it was a feeling, music pulling even tearing feeling out of you that you dident even know you had. a part of me died when he did, but from that an even bigger part of me grew, and it continues to grow everyday and i think will grow untill my death, which is still the only thing i can be certain about.

Peace, Love, Empathy, Curt Cobain.

"I'm not like them, but i can pretend, the sun is gone but i have a light, the day is done but im having fun i think im dumb, Maybe Just Happy"-Dumb

"The finest day that i ever had was when i learned to cry on demand, i love myself im better than you i know its wrong but what can i do, im on a plain i cant complain"-On a Plain

"Im so happy cus today i found my friends there in my head"-Litheum


Ess-tone, I think a vacation would be a cool idea. You could go to like, Hawaii, or something and just relax. You could go get some golf lessons there, take island tours, party all night, a bunch of other stuff. And if you plan your itinerary ahead of time, you don't really have to focus on relaxing since you'll be doing all kinds of fun things. You definitely need a vacation since you haven't gone on a real one since '96. Everybody deserves at least a week to themselves every few years, even if some workplaces don't have vacation plans and whatnot. You should look into cool places to stay that are out of the ordinary, too, because then you get a cultural experience in addition to vacationing. Hell, a trip to England would be good for you, man. ;)

I wish we'd all had time to do that road trip thing we were planning way back when. That would have been totally sweet.