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  • Rants:18
  • Percent of Insult: 0.77%

Old Fuck

I fucking hate my writing professor. I had a conference with him at 9:30 this morning. On a normal Tuesday, I don't have to be on campus until 1:00. It was aggrivating enough that I had to get up so much earlier and go to campus just for a stupid meeting that can absolutely be done over the phone or through email. Whatever, he's an old fuck, so I went to the stupid meeting -- clear across campus. The bus was 13 minutes late. They run every 15 minutes. It's fucking useless beyond belief for the bus to be 13 minutes late. Whatever, I still made it with time to spare. I get up to his office and the old fuck is out sick. I made a trip to campus for nothing. I could have been in bed still nice and asleep. He fucking has an email list, is it so much to ask to email people so they don't waste their time? Just a little email to say "Hi, I'm an old fuck and sick AGAIN. I'm not going to be there, so don't waste your time coming to campus just to see my ugly face." He could give the list to one of the math department secretaries and ask her to write an email. Something, anything, so I don't waste my time. But no, he's an inconsiderate old bastard. When I'm going to miss the meeting, I have the decency to call him and it isn't even an inconvenience to him if I don't show. He'd have been sitting in his office anyhow. I wasted an hour of my time going back and forth to his fucking office for NOTHING! Old fucking bastard. I hate everyone, especially Fogarty. Bah!

1212 out.

Exams and Credits

So I had two exams last week. I don't know if I wrote about that or just meant to write about it. I don't know if anyone reads my posts anyway, so no one knows and I can't remember. Oh well. Anyway, I got them back yesterday. I got an A on my number theory, but it wasn't as good an A as I had hoped so I was disappointed. It was an A though, so I shouldn't be of course. Then I got an AB (A- or B+) on my abstract algebra exam. I thought I did better. I hate classes where you think you know what you're doing and you really believe it's right and then it isn't. Like usually I get things wrong on exams because I either make a stupid mistake that I immediately understand what I did wrong when I get the exam back, or I just don't know something and I leave it blank or mostly blank. This was not the case. I actually thought I did really well, answered all the graded questions completely and I thought I really knew what I was talking about. Then as we're going over it, I realized I didn't know it nearly as well as I thought. Who knew that an automorphism has to map the identity to the identity? I guess it makes sense. Oh well, an AB isn't bad and I think it was above the class average which is always nice.

I have an exam on Thursday. I'm going to go in and bend over so I can get fucking right up the ass. I've read all of what we've covered and I've been doing the homework mostly on time. I've gone to every lecture and I'm still confused. It's so frustrating. I don't know when the last time I read all of a text book was and this semester I've read all of each one of them (by all I mean up to the point we're at). I noticed that it helps. But in geometry it doesn't help enough.

I have a big problem with my prerequisites. This class is way heavy into linear algebra. I passed linear algebra with a B (that I hardly deserved). All we did was row-reduction. That was fine with me because I've never needed lienar algebra. Then I get to geometry and I'm fucking lost. I can follow the book and the notes right up to the linear algebra. Then I get lost trying to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors so I can translate axes and blah blah blah. It's, again, quite frustrating.

The pregresitration guide for the spring was put up yesterday and being the dork that I am, looking at it was one of the first things I did when I got up. I also looked at my degree audit. There's a little thing that says how many credits I have to finish and it says 65. I have 3 semesters left and I'm no math major here by 65/3 is 21.67. That's two 22 credit semesters and a 21 credit one. What the fuck? And that's just gen eds and classes to finish my major. I also have STEP requirements that aren't even on there. I'm going to be here fucking forever. Then I realized that that number doesn't include the credits I'm doing right now and the ones that I have an incomplete in (from this summer). That brings it down to 50. And that's like 3 17 credit semesters. Then I also found out that I'll be done with my major and gen eds in less than 50 credits, actually only 30 or 33, so The other 20 can be used for STEP so I will get out of here at the end of next year as planned. Thank God. It was so stressful and disappointing to think I'd be here for another year.

I have 6 gen ends left to take, 18 credits. That's an entire semester of gen eds left to do. Bah. Anyone take any good gen eds? I need everything but a PS, a BS, and R1 and R2 of course. I need history, literature, arts, interdiciplinary, and diversity. BAH. I don't want to be a well rounded person!

I want to learn Spanish.

I don't think proper is a bad thing, but for our age, I don't think it's necessarily a good thing either. I don't know too many guys that are proper, but if I had to pick any, it would probably be Pappy. Take it to mean something close to old. Then it's an insult.

1212 Out.



Baseball is a dorky sport. Physics sucks.

I just want to remark first, that baseball is a dorky sport. Its a bunch of weird dudes in tight pants who somehow inspire many thousands of people to talk about these weird dudes in tight pants that like to touch eachother.

Anyway.. yes, the Physics exam. I didn't cheat on it, and therefor I was punished. Bah. I am not out of the running yet though.. there is still the final. I think I learned a lesson.. cheating is the way to go. I don't even know how Levres did what she did, but its pretty zany.

I was more prepared for this physics exam than any other exam I have had in physics, yet my grade is lower than any other physics exam I've taken. Why? I went through my answers with teh answer key and I got fucked with my close-call answers.. like, depending on the formula I get answer B or answer D.. I bubbled in the wrong one in every instance where it came down to choosing between two then. Also, some of the early ones I thought were cake because I recognized them from reading the classtalk answers earlier that day.............. well, I fucking must have remembered wrong because I got those wrong too.

Ah well.

As long as I get a C or better on everything else, I am happy. It's sad how much I want to just get a C.. I really don't care for higher. I hate my major, but love school (which is why I am still here). My major sucks because of the smelly assholes in the major.

I want to go to the beach.


I don't know, part of me just doesn't like the idea of final exams. It could be because I am a lazy fuck and I don't want to study. But also, I think it's most ... I don't know, more betterer to have assignments all throughout the semester and evaluate my progress over the 3 months rather than give me one shot to prove that I have learned enough. I hate it when finals are worth more than like 25%. I mean, I think my stats final -- the one that Pappy and Wilson already took, is worth 40%. I have done all my homework and done it well. I did well on the midterm. If I do well on the project, but not on the final, it would mean the difference between an A and a C. That's shittastic in my opinion.

Bah. In other news, I took the physics exam and by some miracle, some divine fucking intervention, I got an 87, possibly a 91. (Is it blasphemous to use the modifier "fucking" with the phrase "divine intervention"?) Anyhow, by divine intervention, I mean that I learned to cheat well. I have learned nothing more than how to cheat the system and get a good grade and learn nothing. Ha ha. I showed you!

Yes yes, college, pursuit of knowledge, I've only really cheated myself. I know all this and unfortunately I don't give a rat's poop. If I can get out of this with a BC or even a B, that would be fucking fantastic. If I can't and I have to retake it, I'll learn it then.

So I'll bore you now with some discussion about my grade and why I'm a little pissed that I did so well on this exam. See, if I had failed this last exam miserably like I did with the other two exams, I would know that I can't do well for the semester so I would know I'd have to retake the class and I could just skip the final. Now, however, there is a possibility that if I do well enough, he'll drop one of my bad grades, and the rest (two exams, classtalk, and owls) will average out to a B. So now, I really have no justification for not taking the final. Argh. I just wanted to be done with school!

Can anyone teach me microeconomics before Saturday at 10:30. Hmm, I should learn that. Damn, 8:00 am classes suck shit. I don't know what I was thinking...

In other news, I have found that I can mix alcohol with my medication if I only drink 1 bitch beer. 1 (or 2) of my happy pills + 1 bitch beer (Mike's) = happy little tipsy feeling. This is a new thing for me since I used to get heartburn and a belly ache before getting any buzz from drinking, now 1 beer is good for me.

Wait wait, nevermind, this was supposed to be about school. Yes, finals suck and I don't want to take them. I'd rather do my homework all semester and take chapter tests or quizzes or whatever.

In the math class that I am a TA for, there are three exams and the final, all weighted equally. There is homework for every night that counts for absolutely nothing. Attendance gives you 2 bonus points if you miss less than three classes. So you have 3 bad nights in the entire semester and you could fail math. Whether you pass or fail is all dependent on 4 exams. Three months work could be for nothing if you don't do well on the exams. That sucks.

Life is unfair, wah wah.

Speaking of unfair, Pappy busted his balls doing the physics Owl homework and everything and thought he'd do well on the exam. I mean he even read part of the book, read part of the book! I didn't even buy the damned thing. He worked relatively hard and it didn't pay off as well as it should. I did nothing but cheat in any way that I could think of, and I did better. That's hardly fair.

For any of you that still have finals left, I feel your pain and I wish you luck. For those of you who are already done, eat poop. For those of you just starting a new summer semester or something, I'll feel your pain in about 2 weeks when I start mine.

1212 Out.

Fuckin' Shit...

Well, While most of you were finishing off your semesters... I was Starting my latest one. The week started off shitty when in the middle of my first class I had a seizure, they had to call 911 and lug my ass down 3 flights of stairs. Now as any good sport would do I dusted myself off and went to class the next day. My acting class mates were handling it surprisingly well. Then I went to Karate class. Now I love the the fact that I'm doing a PE class that I love, and that isn't bullshit, but I was already sore from the seizure and this didn't help matters. Even now every muscle below my rib cage aches. Then I had English class, which blows and health, which also blows.

Ya' know... it's a goddamn shame that school force these bullshit GenEd requirements on us. I mean, I'm not going to be a better person for taking these classes. These classes are not going to help me in my future vocation. So instead of staying at home, earning money, and chillin' with my boyz, I have to keep hemmoraging money to this shit heel university... DAMMIT!

Till All Are One...

LioConvoy out...

Two exams down..

I have done my statistics exam.. I still have to do a project in there, so check back here in an hour for details on that (I need your participation).

The exam wasn't bad.. the first part was sort of weird because there was a question that turned into more of a trick question that the professor thought was simple... whatever. It's done with.

Next week I have more exams... AI, OS, one more Physics, and my chinese history final. I haven't had this many finals in a looong time.

I am in the edlab now, but I think i'm going to leave soon because it's farking cold in here. Really chilly.. only after I write the thing for my stats project will I leave though.

The Best Education Rant To Date

Man, finals suck. I have had four so far and a paper. I was up to about 5:30 am, went to sleep, got up around 10:30. Then I revised my paper, took my Greek examination, wrote another paper. Had Chinese food with my professor. One more exam tommorow. I have five frigging exams in total, and a paper. Too many classes. In two weeks I will be in Tokyo. That will be great. I'll be there and in Kyoto for about a month. Just have to go and write one more note card for one more examination. And I voted to not use the note cards in class. It would have been so much easier that way. Just learn the basic information that you need and regurgitate it onto the exam. I want to be done with the semester. Oh well. Hey, there isn't enough profanity in this post to justify the level three rating. I don't really feel like changing it. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. Sexual intercourse. Alright.
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