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  • Author:Qava
  • Email Address:qava at insult dot org
  • Contribution:13 rants by this author
  • Percent of Insult: 0.56%

New Years 2002

I put in for leave on Dec 15th till Jan 8th I was wondering if any of you hooligans wanted to tag along to NYC to see the ball drop and announce the New Year with more commercialism then a TV infomercial? Or at the least hangout for a couple hours.


My Bad

Wow I seemed to have started a small riot. First off I would like to apogize for any fuck ups and one lined messages I have posted. Apparently I suck a lot because I my page flashes quiet a bit... I would like to thank the old man for starting the this... But what I was refering to when I mentioned e-mail was that *NOT* getting accounts at But in the password protected area that lists our email addresses so that we can email each other with private messages. The otherthing I was suggesting was that we could list our post names and our real names so those people with aliases that are not filmiar to everyone would be known to each other. Unless Pappy is like letting everyone in on this even people that were not part of our group in high school, then that does not make sense. For instanse when I logged in no one but Pappy and Stone knew who I was. I am still not sure who everyone is. But enough about that I got more to rant on about.

Email Addresses..

There really should be a section after name in the password protected area that has all our email addresses so we can email each other. So we don't have to post them. And an alias section with everyones name so next time it's not so much of a mystery. Not sure it can be done in current setup but perhaps it can.

Hope you found a Snow bunny

A snow bunny for all of you who had to shovel snow.

It's true, It's true

It's true I work for the man. I am in Japan. I am a "Web Application Developer".

New Bio Questions...

What no bath tub gin for drug of choice?
Methinks I should consolidate my posts??....

Seems out of sight out of mind.

Has everyone forgot me?

I am the idiot of our group

I am the fool who joined the military rather than go to college.


Hey Peps how are you man? From the posts you seem to really have come into your own.
Swweet. Do you still listen to Coldtrain?

Calliander / Lio Convoy

Has anyone talked to the Bean?
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