I am enjoying the following things right now:
- the Celtics season starting
- The Guermantes Way (I am now up to the 3rd book of the ~4000 page long In Search of Lost Time, and it may be the greatest book ever)
- Only Built for Cuban Linx II (so fucking good, battlewagon what up)
- Bill Simmons' Book of Basketball (I have been reading Bill Simmons for about 9 years, and I've wasted an inordinate amount of time reading his columns. I have distinct memories of thinking "Oh shit, the new NBA Draft Diary!" multiple times over the last decade. This book is like a 700 page long Bill Simmons basketball column, it is great)
- a bottle of Zaya rum that Liza bought me (I need to make some rum punch)
- a new pair of dark green corduroy pants
- the Phillies destroying the Yankees