I'm done for the semester. Yay.
It's funny how much professors love being emailed. They respond nearly instantly. I get the feeling they're really lonely in their offices.. dreading going home to either an empty house or a nagging wife.
This is the end of semester number five for me.. I have always avoided my professors. I sort of regret it now. It helps your grade to get to know them, but.. ya know, I dont need the grade and nor I do want to know them. *shrug*
I can't wait till fucking next week. WARM SUNNY FLORIDA, HERE I COME! Caniprokis and I will be hitting the booty down in Disney. I can wish can't I? Hopefully we'll find people our age to chill with for New Years.
I bitch a lot about the cold.. but, god damnit, I really don't want to be freezing my ass off. My balls hate it, I hate it.
How can men cross their legs? I mean.. so you're gay, what makes your balls different? Also.. the sweat thing... no one likes ball sweat.. do feminine men like it?
I have a LOT on my mind right now... too much. Its funny, classes are over, and now I am fretting over finances. A hundred grand will solve all my worries, pleease email me if you'd like to help out. :P