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  • Rants:540
  • Percent of Insult: 23.09%

Dinner time

Here, here... Count me in man.  It's been way too long since the gang of us got together.  I urge everyone else to come out too... It's the holidays, let's come together, share some figgy pudding and Pabst!

Christmas Dinner

Around Christmas, I'd like to take everyone who posts on this site (you know who you are) out to dinner, probably the Outback.  If you've gone out with us over Christmas before, you're invited.  E-mail or get in touch with me somewhere else to tell me if you are coming.

It's raining outside. Really.

While on the freeway today, I managed to piss off the King-Of-All-Femme-Asians by speeding up just in time to prevent him from maneuvering his BMW 6-series convertible around the slower traffic. Like usual, the 101 traffic was somewhat thick. I was in the far left lane with several cars closely packed in front of me. The other lanes had the occasional gap, but a lot of the drivers were going well below 70mph. Now, going around corners, the inside lane generally appears to advance more because the cars have to travel less distance. Knowing this, it is easy to know what to expect when you have half a dozenn fairly tight curves up ahead. The number of times I saw this guy slam on brakes as he put him self behind someone going a good 25mph less than him (or myself). Anyway, it definitely made my drive a bit more fun.

I need to upload photos... I have several weeks worth of photos on my Vaio and I keep forgetting to upload them while at work (too slow to do from home).

I love the Disco Biscuits a lot... the worst part of this situation is that I am particularly fond of a jam they did more than four years ago that isn't actually part of a real song.

When changing the volume in OSX using the function key button, the machine makes a little noise like a weird droplet or something. Very annoying.

I was surprised to hear about O.D.B.'s death. I thought he died earlier this year.

Well, I'm tired. G'night.

He truly was the Osiris of this shit....

On Saturday, November 13th, Russell Jones aka "Ol' Dirty Bastard" died in the studio.  His music touched me, and many of you in ways that one could only describe as "in the bathing suit area".  I was shocked and hurt when I heard this news.  I wandered the streets for hours... eventually collapsing in a freezing gutter, crying to the heavens: "WHY GOD, WHY!!!  WHY MUST YOU TAKE THE GOOD ONES FROM US!!!" 

I remember the first time I ever saw ol' dirty, it was on MTV news.  He was taking his children and one of his babies mamas to the wellfare office in a limo to pick up a check.  I saw this and thought to myself, "How can I be more like this man?"  I was instantly mezmerized.  Then i heard his tight rhymes, and was hooked from the line "Bitch burned me with the ghanorrhea, well I got the ghanorrhea twice, so the bitch burned me two times actoooally".  It was brilliant... like someone took a crack head off the streets and said "Wanna recording contract?" and that crack head said "Yes, I would like that very much." 

Goodnight sweet prince, may flights of angels take you to your slumber.

And they were one.

So, FlyingTim got married today. Wilson, Stone, Caniprokis, Erin/Rudegirl/whatever-she's-called-here, and myself were in attendance.

We pregamed behind Caniprokis' old house, sans Caniprokis. The wedding was catholic, and required a lot of kneeling, standing, and sitting without much direction. I had no idea what I was doing, and everyone seemed to know all of these responses to things the priest/whoever said. I would not find that odd at a regular catholic service, but a wedding is going to include a lot of denominations, no? It lasted a little longer than I would have personally liked (like I matter), and there ceremony was surprisingly political. I feel like an anarchist when politics come up.

The weather here is about as foul as you can get, but today the skies were clear. Snow was on the ground though. And it's COLD. Last night it was raining lightly and freezing, which is the most uncomfortable form of weather I can think of. Cold and damp. Later on, it started sleeting and eventually turned into all out snow. I can't say how surprised I was to see snow in southern Connecticut on November 13th. Fucking crazy.

Oh, and did I mention that FlyingTim is going north for his honeymoon? I can't imagine what Vermont is like right now (that's his destination).

The reception was good. Canadians know how to party. I like Canada.


Good riddance.

The Emperor of Ice-Cream

I have to commute a long distance to get to work, right now. Philadelphia is about 60 miles away from Dayton, NJ, so I spend a little over two hours in the car each day. Also, in downtown Philadelphia, street parking is very scarce, so the only reasonable alternative for someone commuting by car is to purchase parking, which is quite expensive.

I may attempt to take the train each morning from Philly to Princeton, a town about 5-10 miles away from whereI work. I would park my car at a commuter lot in Princeton, and then drive the distance between the station and my job. I would have to get up a bit earlier, in order to make sure I caught the train on time, which would be inconvenient, but it would definitely be nice to have a couple of hours each day to read or work, while I was on the train. It also seems like Iwould be able to cut my travel costs in half.


Half and half

See, I'm reading all of this election time goodness... and muckraking and bellyaching... and it all turns my stomach.  This whole thing makes me sick to be an American.  Now... To paraphrase Chris Rock, Anyone who classifies themselves as just a liberal, or just a conservative or just a liberal is a fucking moron.  I've got some shit I'm liberal on, and some shit I'm conservative on.  Abortion?  A-ok.  Execution?  Hang 'em high.  Gay marriage?  Who gives a flying crap, it doesn't effect me.  If they want the right to be legally bound into loveless husks of relationships, god bless 'em.  The only issue I care about is the economy and the job market.  Basically, my political views are whatever is in my best interest... look out for number one. 

So, who did I vote for in the end?  No one.  That's right, the year I decide that I'm going to make a political statement... that I will let my voice as an American be heard... I get these two fuckin' jokers to choose from!  Now, neither candidate encompassed all the political views that were quasi-important to me.  Guess that's because I have my own opinions and don't slap a political lable on myself.  Now, my primary concern... the economy, Bush was handed a nose diving economy in the closing days of the Clinton administration, and only made it worse through mismanagement and sending jobs to foreign country while college graduates were forced to get jobs at McDonalds.  But on the otherhand we have Kerry... This man's a millionaire!  He's gotta have some good ideas on how to turn this bungle job into gold!  What's that?  He made his fortune by marriages to rich women?  Fuck.  Well, Well, I have my choice between a moron and a pimp. 

But it's more than just the fact that the candidates were unfit... it's just that both of their campaigns were so distasteful.  See, failing either of the canditates meeting my needs, I was going to vote on who I thought was the most stand up guy, and I'd be able to see that through whoever led the cleanest campaign... but they were both dirty!  Mud flying on both sides... The issues were so obscured by all this bullshit, it was to confusing for the common man to know who stood for what.  Disgraceful

To the Bush camp... Well, you won so there ain't much I can say but Mazeltov, I hope you manage to turn around what you have fucked up, and while your at it, stop trying to co-opt America's fear of Terrorism to settle personal grudges.  To the Kerry camp, cool out.  You lost, by a slim margin, but you still lost.  Go home, lick your wounds and try to manipulate matters to your own ends for the next election, for that's what all this seems to be in the end.  And don't act like it's the end of the world, an administration only lasts 4 years.  People worried about bush banning abortion... That's what they've said about every republican to run since Roe v. Wade.  They said that about G dubs on the last election and he didn't pull it off.  A draft?  Hate to break it to you people, but this ain't 'Nam.  Granted we are still sending troops over, but not in big enough numbers to reinstate the draft.  And there's no way in hell that this conflict could get that big.  Saphire's post is the first I've ever heard of Emergency Powers being granted... But does anyone actually fear this as a possibility?  C'mon, This isn't Attack of the Clones, and he isn't Palpatine.  So long as there are Democrats out there with an axe to grind, that won't happen.  I don't believe Georgie is an evil man... at worst he's a man who's too incompetant to hold the position he's in.  Nice....


"God bless America, but she stole the 'b' from bless."

The Half Have Spoken

After watching Election 2004 through the night hoping for an Ohioan lead forSenator Kerryand waking up this morning to find out that Kerry conceded Ohio, it was a mixture of anger and relief. Relief that we wouldn't have to wait an agonizing 10 or so days to find out the results of the Presidency, and anger that Kerry couldn't wait until the absentee ballots (if not the provisional ballots) were counted. I believe that the absentee ballots are valid and should count toward the total (for either candidate) because the ballotsare from real voters who are to be out-of-state for the election (Military, students, etc.) and if it tips or doesnt tip the balance, then so be it. I don't know for a fact if Ohio is going to continue to count the absentees/provisionals after Kerry conceded the state, but I hope they will.

As for my title, it is addressed to Calliander and to all the people who are the Half who fought against Bush and feel complete defeat now that it has been projected that Bush is our Presidentagain. I want to point out that Bush did not win by a landslide, and that half the nation (which is not a insignificant number, by any means) does not want Bush in office. In one of the many election articles I read, a lot of voters that were not inclined for Kerry voted for him mainly because they did not want another 4 years of the Bush administration. And even though every vote was fought for by both parties, in the states that didnt already have a bias towards one candidate or another, the percentages usually read about half for either Bush or Kerry, coming to that final glaring total of 51% Bush to 48% Kerry. That 51% for Bush (because of Ohio leverage) to Kerrys 48% means that the country is seriously divided in both action and thought, and as a whole, the nation does not support what Bush has already done or said he will try to do. I feel optimism that if Bush tries anything drastic, whether it be sending more troops to Iraq, banning abortion, or most disturbingly, trying to get emergency powers bestowed upon him in the name of the war, that there will be real opposition. I dont think that the American people will just stand idly by and let Bush lead us by the nose. I believe that if it comes down to it, as was shown by the record numbers of voters this Election Day, that this is a generation that will act.

The Half Have Spoken.


I'm a Rhyme Bastard

What's up? I feel like, with all this Red Sox vs Yanks stuff, that we've been overlooking one important thing that most of us can be grateful for. We're not Mets fans. The Red Sox may have only won 1 title in the last 87 years, the Yanks may have an enormous payroll filled up with crap underachieving overpaid players and may be looking forward to decades of being punished by the Curse of A-Rod, but at least the teams we like have competent management - the Mets have nothing. When was the last time the Red Sox or the Yanks did something as boneheaded as trading away Scott Kazmir for some Mexican dude from Tampa Bay that has an aneurysm every other game? Anna Benson is a fine looking woman.

I got up early today and bought some candy for the kids on my street. Toll House cookie bars and Snickers. I wanted to buy boxes of full-size candy bars, because when I was a kid I always thought that the families who gave out full-size candy bars were awesome. That was the ultimate display of wealth in my mind - being willing to give out full-sized candy bars said more to me than having an iced-out doormat.

South Philly is a weird place to live. In general, it's dirty and it smells a bit, but the people are good and there's nothing wrong with it. Every once in a while, though, I'll be driving down the street and notice that, like, a crippled guy shaped like a pear with one leg is jaywalking (jayrolling?), and two people are slapping each other on the street, and a family is sitting in their car, waiting behind another, double-parked car, while the father lays on the car's horn, and an obviously mentally retarded person is stumbling around on the sidewalk - and it'll seem like I've driven into a Hieronymous Bosch painting.

De La Soul came out with a new CD, and it's pretty damn good. MF DOOM is on the last track of it. I like continuity, I've said this before, but, I like continuity, I like liking things I've liked in the past. Today is warm out, mid-60s, even though it's November.

I am going to Ohio for Thanksgiving. The dinner will involve my grandparents, one set of granduncles, my Uncle Mike and two of my Israeli cousins, my mom - now, this is the first time I've done anything like this, anything involving my extended family, since what, 1993? I haven't been in the same room with my mother and a member of my extended family since 1997.

I also think that I am going to visit the Dominican Republic for a week in February. A friend of mine from Brandeis is a diplomat there, and an old roommate from Cornell is over there curing the sick and indigent.

#1 Stun